Ancient climate
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A University of Washington researcher has devised a way to use the fossil teeth of ancient bison as a tool to reconstruct historic climate and vegetation changes in America's breadbasket, the Great Plains.
The teeth hold evidence of the type of vegetation that grew in a particular location at a pa...
Greenhouse Gases
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Current levels of the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere are higher now than at any time in the last 650,000 years.
That is the conclusion of new European studies looking at ice taken from 3km below the surface of Antarctica.
The scientists say their research shows p...
Thermohaline Circulation
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Scientists have found that there is a 70 percent chance of shutting down the thermohaline circulation in the North Atlantic Ocean over the next 200 years, with a 45 percent probability of this occurring in this century. The likelihood decreases with mitigation, but even the most rigorous immediat...
Iceage melt
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The sudden deep freeze of the northern hemisphere that occurred 13,000 years ago has been traced to events originating in northern Canada, according to University of Toronto research. The findings could shed light on the future of climate change due to greenhouse gases.
The study, published...
Freak Weather
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Five archaeologists were ripped from terra firma by a freak tornado that whipped its way through Lincolnshire yesterday.
The archaeologists and archaeology students, working at a sand and gravel pit at Baston, were sheltering from the thunderstorm in a temporary canteen when the building w...
Arctic superflood
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A catastrophic 'superflood' following the rupture of a massive glacier-dammed lake in Canada at the end of the Ice Age probably plunged the world into centuries of climatic chaos.
That single event was likely responsible for the most dramatic climate change of the last 10,000 years, accordin...
Hudson Flood
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13,350 years ago the glacial Lake Iroquois broke out from behind the Adirondack Mountains and the northern ice sheet.
It was three times the size of modern Lake Ontario.
As the natural ice dam collapsed, floodwaters rushed down the Hudson River Valley; past modern Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Sta...
Alaska's permafrost
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A warming climate has heated much of Alaska's permafrost to temperatures just below freezing and drastic changes are expected in the coming decades as that layer of frozen soil thaws, a prominent scientist said on Wednesday.
Vladimir Romanovsky, an associate professor at the University of Ala...
Mountains of the Moon
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Fabled equatorial icecaps will disappear within two decades, because of global warming, a study British and Ugandan scientists has found. In a paper to be published 17 May in Geophysical Research Letters, they report results from the first survey in a decade of glaciers in the Rwenzori Mountains o...
Global dimming
Astronomy News
Two new studies suggest that the amount of sunlight reaching the Earth's surface is increasing...
Previous work had found the opposite trend, leading to a popular theory known as "global dimming".
But using two different methods involving ground monitoring stations and satellite data, t...
Nasa sea level change
For the first time, scientists have the tools and expertise to measure changes in global sea level and understand the mechanisms that contribute to those changes. Scientists from NASA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis...
Evolution of the atmosphere
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Astronomy News
The President of the Mineralogical Society of America, Douglas Rumble, III, of the Carnegie Institution's Geophysical Laboratory, describes new techniques, used on minerals, to reveal the steps that led to evolution of the atmosphere on Earth.
"Rocks, fossils, and other natural relics h...
Green Alps theory
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The Alpine glaciers are shrinking, that much we know. But new research suggests that in the time of the Roman Empire, they were smaller than today. And 7,000 years ago they probably weren't around at all. A group of climatologists have come up with a controversial new theory on how the Alps...
Snowball Earth
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Geologists have been gathering evidence indicating that Earth has gone into a deep freeze on several occasions, with ice covering even the equator and with potentially devastating consequences for life.
The theory, known as "Snowball Earth," has been lacking a good explanation for wh...
Climate change
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Coastal cities in the US, Canada, Japan, Indonesia, India and Turkey are teetering on the brink of natural disasters, a meeting at Lloyds has been told. The gloomy message was spelt out at an otherwise celebratory event, a presentation to mark the 10th anniversary of Benfield UCL Hazard Research C...
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New results shed light on how Antarctica became the icy, barren continent that we know today. British Antarctic Survey (BAS) scientists have discovered that 30-50 million years ago, South America and Antarctica split apart very rapidly. This formed the Drake Passage and resulted in a major globa...
Arctic Ocean
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Exotic sea creatures never before seen by man. New varieties of plants and animals. Maybe even the clues to the origin of life on this planet. All that could be discovered when an international team of scientists takes a first-ever peek under the ice packs of the Arctic Ocean next month, providing the...
Next Ice Age
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The earth is now on the brink of entering another Ice Age, according to a large and compelling body of evidence from within the field of climate science. Many sources of data which provide our knowledge base of long-term climate change indicate that the warm, twelve thousand year-long Holocene peri...
4.2 kiloyear event
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The 4.2 kiloyear BP aridification event was one of the most severe climatic events of the Holocene period in terms of impact on cultural upheaval. Starting in ~2200 BC, it probably lasted the entire 22nd century BC. It is very likely to have caused the collapse of the Old Kingdom in Egypt as well as the A...
Global change
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Scientists reported Wednesday that in 10,000 years a massive, worldwide freeze could overcome the planet, more deadly than the Ice Age. British and Canadian researchers said greenhouse gases could prove beneficial in the future to battle a chill that could cover Canada and the United States, Eur...