Asteroid 2003 YN107
Solar System
Earth Coorbital Asteroid 2003 YN107 is making a close flyby today. The asteroid's corkscrew path is lopsided and on June 10th it will dip within 3.4 million km of the Earth, slightly closer than usual. Earth's gravity...
Asteroid 1862 Apollo
Solar System
An international research team led by Academy Research Fellow Mikko Kaasalainen has found an asteroid whose rotation receives an extra kick from solar radiation. The asteroid 1862 Apollo's diameter is about 1.5 km, it has a small m...
Asteroid 85770 (1998 UP1)
Solar System
Orbital Elements at Epoch 2454800.5 (2008-Nov-30.0) TDB Reference: JPL 63 (heliocentric ecliptic J2000) Element Value Uncertainty (1-sigma) Units e .3449310922762138 6.8807e-07 a .9985876635325036 2.5951e-09 AUq .6541437300166848 6.8836e-07 AUi 33.17893126862085 6.4782e-05 d...
Asteroid 2002 AA29
Solar System
Orbital Elements at Epoch 2454800.5 (2008-Nov-30.0) TDB Reference: JPL 16 (heliocentric ecliptic J2000) Element Value Uncertainty (1-sigma) Units e .01308674718714695 2.2171e-07 a .9933550540147653 3.2295e-08 AUq .9803552675557994 2.0832e-07 AUi 10.74559423974942 5.3662e-05...
Asteroid 3753 Cruithne (1986 TO)
Solar System
Orbital Elements at Epoch 2454800.5 (2008-Nov-30.0) TDB Reference: JPL 81 (heliocentric ecliptic J2000) Element Value Uncertainty (1-sigma) Units e .5148364550523318 5.6926e-07 a .9976821472548191 2.9193e-09 AUq .4840390072931496 5.681e-07 AUi 19.81083044915119 1.7794e-05 de...
Asteroid 10563 Izhdubar
Solar System
Orbital elements: 1993 WD Epoch 1993 Nov. 29.0 TT = JDT 2449320.5 Williams M 260.72639 (2000.0) P Q n 0.98261757 Peri. 133.14993 -0.65132203 -0.14394538 a 1.0020276 Node 56.60120 -0.61655953 -0.47192052 e 0.2685038 Incl. 63.17556 +0.44230528 -0.86981076 P 1.00 H 16.0 G 0.15 From 46 observation...
Asteroid (66063) 1998 RO1
Solar System
Orbital elements: 1998 RO1 Epoch 1998 Sept. 4.0 TT = JDT 2451060.5 Williams M 254.38706 (2000.0) P Q n 0.99784956 Peri. 151.12512 -0.80418120 -0.59185120 a 0.9918043 Node 351.89302 +0.44276566 -0.53496639 e 0.7223360 Incl. 22.87389 +0.39654908 -0.60292879 P 0.99 H 18.0 G 0.15 From 23 observati...
Asteroid (85990) 1999 JV6
Solar System
The 400 metre wide asteroid 1999 JV6 will make a close pass (0.02628 AU), to the Earth-Moon system on the 25th September, 2010. The asteroid was discovered by LINEAR (Lincoln Laboratory ETS, New Mexico) on the 13th May, 1999. The asteroid is an Earth coorbital object, or quasi-satellite. Orbital el...
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Astronomy News
Something has been spotted orbiting around our planet.
ate UT R.A. (J2000) Decl. Elong. V Motion Distance
h m "/min P.A. km
2006 09 01 1300 00 15 45.9 -23 14 28 153.0 20.2 12.09 124.2 743071
2006 09 01 1400 00 16 29.4 -23 21 15 152.8 20.2 12.07 124.1 743750
2006 09 01...
The Moon
1 2 3 4 5 … 15
Solar System
Lunar swirls are strange markings on the Moon that resemble swirling cream in coffee. They seem to be curly-cues of pale moondust, twisting and turning across the lunar surface for dozens of miles. Each swirl is utterly flat and protected by a magnetic field.
One of the swirls, [url=http://www...
Asteroid (164207) 2004 GU9
Solar System
The 160 - 350 metre wide asteroid 2004 GU9 will make a close pass (73.4 Lunar Distances, 0.1885 AU), travelling at 7.05 km/s, to the Earth-Moon system on the 28th April 2009. See more The Lunar Distance (LD), the distance betwee...
Asteroid 2010 SO16
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Title: A long-lived horseshoe companion to the Earth Authors: A. A. Christou, D. J. Asher We present a dynamical investigation of a newly found asteroid, 2010 SO16, and the discovery that it is a horseshoe companion of the Earth. The objects absolute magnitude (H = 20.7) makes this the largest objec...
Earth moons
The Moon
Early Earth may have had two moons Earth once had two moons, which merged in a slow-motion collision that took several hours to complete, researchers propose in Nature today. Both satellites would have formed from debris that was ejected when a Mars-size protoplanet smacked into Earth late in its f...
Cyrillid Meteor Shower
Meteorite News
This shower was an unusual one-time event that occurred on the 9th February, 1913. The event was unusual because the meteors did not radiate from a single point in the sky; which meant their orbital path was probably around the Earth, rather than the Sun. Because of a lack of a radiant the shower is name...
Asteroid 2014 OL339
Asteroids 2014
Asteroid 2014 OL339 is a temporary quasi-satellite of the Earth, the fourth known Earth quasi-satellite. Read more