Dancing with the moon goddess in Callanish
The lunar standstill this month at the Neolithic standing stones in Callanish, in the Outer Hebrides, was a rare event. As the moon's journey through the sky takes nearly 19 years, the standstill only takes place three or four times in an averag...
Biru 'e Concas
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Near the village of Sorgono, in Sardinia (Italy) lies what is probably one of the lesser known megalithic wonders of the world. An impressive Neolithic site of about 200 tall stones, 30 of them aligned east-west on a double row and the rest laying on the ground. This striking concentration of stones i...
Ancient stone circle
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Tree over ancient stone circle chopped down A 200-year-old tree at the centre of worship by druids and witches has been chopped down to size after it became diseased. The 80ft beech at Winterbourne Abbas (England) has been reduced to a 10-metre stump by English Heritage because of fears it would die a...
Standing Stones of Stenness
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For those seeking the romantic gesture to end all romantic gestures, there's still time (a minimum 15 days' notice is needed) to arrange Valentine's Day nuptials on the ancient site that once held the world's biggest engagement ring. Orkney's [url=http://en.wikipedia.o...
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Happy solstice everyone! At 6:46 UT, the earth was at summer Solstice. Also The Full Moon will be on the evening (04:14 UT) of 22 June. :smile: -- Edited by Blobrana at 14:18, 2006-11-28
Easter Aquhorthies Stone Circle
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Easter Aquhorthies Recumbent Stone Circle,
The 4000-year-old East Aquhorthies recumbent stone circle lies north east of Bennachie, in Aberdeenshire, Scotland.
It comprises of nine stones set in a low bank, a la...
The Trippet Stones
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One of Bodmin Moor's most attractive and accessible stone circles is to undergo repairs. The Trippet Stones stand on Manor Common, between Bodmin and Blisland (Cornwall, England). The circle, which was originally comprised of 27 stones, was erected about 4,000 years ago during the Bronze Age whe...
Standing Stones
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General news
Archaeologists have discovered what could be the henge of the North-East. Thousands of years before Durham Cathedral took shape, settlers could have worshipped on a nearby hill because experts from Tyne and Wear Museums have found evidence of continuous settlement on the site from 3,000BC to 300...
Brazilian Stonehenge
General news
Brazilian archaeologists have found an ancient stone structure in a remote corner of the Amazon that may cast new light on the region's past.
The well preserved site pre-dates European colonisation and is said to suggest a sophisticated knowledge of astronomy.
Its appearance is being comp...
Kerdruelland standing stones
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About 60 standing stones, some of them nearly 2 metres tall, have been unearthed in Kerdruelland, near Belz (Morbihan, Brittany), a few kilometres from Carnac. The standing stones are lying on the ground and they date to the Early Neolithic, or about 5000 BCE. The newly found stones are of great inte...
Balgarthno Stone Circle
General news
A prehistoric stone circle in Dundee which has been repeatedly targeted by vandals has been fenced off to protect it from further attacks.
Graffiti has been sprayed on the Balgarthno stone circle in Charleston and surrounding grass set on fire on several occasions.
Dundee City Council has now...
Castlerigg Stone Circle
General news
The secrets of a 14th century castle and a second stone circle could soon be unveiled near Keswick. Remains of the mystery 14th castle, which was abandoned over 500 years ago, and a prehistoric stone circle are being hunted out in an investigation at Castlerigg on the eastern outskirts of the town. [u...
Pictish stone
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A Carved Pictish stone uncovered in a field near Forfar could become a permanent resident of the town's museum.
Members of Angus Council's leisure committee agreed last night to ask Dundee Museum to extend its loan of the Dunnichen stone to the Meffan Institute for another five years.
Leskernick stone circle
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Leskernick stone circle Latitude: 50°35'17.21"N Longitude: 4°33'39.33"W Read more Leskernick is an extraordinarily well preserved Bronze Age settlement comprising at least forty four roun...
Ballahot Standing Stone
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Ballahot Farm, Cross Four Ways, was the place to be on Sunday afternoon, when nearly 200 people came to raise a stone using the same techniques employed thousands of years ago. Organised by Manx National Heritage in conjunction with Bournemouth University, the event was one of dozens taking place t...
Westray Stone
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An ornately carved Neolithic stone, found in Westray in 1981, is to return to the island. After more than 25 years in the Orkney Museum, the Westray Stone will be exhibited in Westrays new heritage centre, which is within a mile of where part of the s...
Ales stenar
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Ales stenar (Stones) is Sweden's largest preserved "ship setting" - stones set in the layout of a ship. We do not know for certain what function the stones have had through the ages, or what the ship setting symbolised for the people who created it.
67 metres long and 19 metres wide, Ales stenar is o...
Candle Hill
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A recumbent stone circle 43 feet in diameter, surrounding a very well-defined central cairn 28 feet in diameter. It consisted originally of eight stones, one of which has gone. Only one stone is standing; height 4 1/2 feet, named the Candle Stane, according to the Ordnance Survey Name Book (ONB, 186...
Ring o' Brodgar
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Prehistoric enclosure discovered at Brodgar
Workmen building a new visitor car park for the Ring o' Brodgar (Orkney, Scotland) have unearthed what could be the remains of a huge prehistoric walled enclosure between the Stenness and Harray lochs. Construction work was halted last week...
Stone circles
Priddy Circles
Priddy Circles are a linear arrangement of four circular earthwork enclosures near the village of Priddy on the Mendip Hills in Somerset, England. The circles have been listed as Scheduled Ancient Monuments, and described as 'probable Neolithic ritual or ceremonial monuments similar to a henge...