Young galaxies
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Cosmology News
ESO's VLT takes the search for young galaxies to new limits Staring for the equivalent of every night for two weeks at the same little patch of sky with ESO's Very Large Telescope, an international team of astronomers has found the extremely faint light from teenage galaxies billions of light years a...
Distant Galaxies
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Cosmology News
It is one of the major goals of observational cosmology to trace the way galaxies formed and evolved and to compare it to predictions from theoretical models. It is therefore essential to know as precisely as possible how many galaxies were present in the Universe at different epochs.
This is ea...
Tidal Dwarf Galaxies
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Cosmology News
A new method to detect small, faint galaxies that spring up in the wake of violent galactic collisions has been devised by astronomers using the Spitzer Space Telescope. The method could shed light on how most of the galaxies near our own formed.
The vast majority of local galaxies are "dwarfs" –...
The Local Volume
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Cosmology News
Title: Minivoids in the Local Volume
Authors: A. V. Tikhonov, I. D. Karachentsev
We consider a sphere of 7.5 Mpc radius, which contains 355 galaxies with accurately measured distances, to detect the nearest empty volumes. Using a simple void detection algorithm, we found s...
Milky Way Companions
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Stars/galaxy News
Title: Two New Milky Way Companions
Authors: Beth Willman
The researchers discuss the detection limits and current status of a uniform survey of
SDSS I for ultra-faint Milky Way dwarf galaxies; and present the properties of
two new, low surface brightness Milky Way companions...
Spiral galaxies
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Art gallery
This montage of galaxies M61, NGC 4449, NGC 4725, NGC 5068, NGC 5247, and NGC 5775/5774 (from top left to bottom right[img]http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/image/0506/galaxysample_b...
Dark Galaxy
Cosmology News
First results from the Arecibo Galaxy Environment Survey (AGES) suggest the discovery of a new dark galaxy. The AGES survey, which started in January 2006, is the most sensitive, large-scale survey of neutral hydrogen to date. Neutral hydrogen is found in most galaxies and it is a key tool in the sea...
Coma Cluster Galaxies
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Cosmology News
Title: Chandra X-ray Observations of Galaxies in an Off-Centre Region of the Coma Cluster
Authors: A.E. Hornschemeier, B. Mobasher, D.M. Alexander, F.E. Bauer, M.W. Bautz, D. Hammer, B.M. Poggianti
Researchers have performed a pilot Chandra X-ray telescope survey of an... < 10^-3).
They do not have sufficient numbers of X-ray detected galaxies to directly measure the galaxy X-ray Luminosity Function (XLF). However, since they have a well-measured optical LF, they took this low X-ray to optical flux ratio for the 7 spectroscopically confirmed galaxies to translate the optical LF to an XLF.
They find good agreement with Finoguenov et al. (2004), indicating that the X-ray emission per unit optical flux per galaxy is suppressed in clusters of galaxies, but extends this work to a specific off-centre environment in the Coma cluster. Finally, They report the discovery of a region of diffuse X-ray flux that might correspond to a small group interacting with the Coma Intra-Cluster Medium (ICM).
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Solitary galaxies in voids
Cosmology News
Solitary galaxies that live in vast, empty regions of space are forming stars at a surprisingly high rate, reveals the largest survey of galaxies ever made. The lonely galaxies may thrive because few galaxies are close enough to strip them of their star-forming gas.
An overwhelming 95% of gala...
SCUBA Galaxies
Cosmology News
A major breakthrough in pinpointing some of the most primordial and violently star forming galaxies in the Universe has been made by a joint collaboration of UK and US astronomers using the Spitzer Space Telescope to resolve primordial galaxies initially detected by the James Clerk Maxwell teles...
Nearby Galaxies
Cosmology News
Title: The GALEX Ultraviolet Atlas of Nearby Galaxies
Authors: A. Gil de Paz (1 and 2), S. Boissier (1 and 3), B.F. Madore (1 and 4), M. Seibert (5), Y.H. Joe (1 and 6), A. Boselli (3), T.K. Wyder (5), D. Thilker (7), L. Bianchi (7), S.-C. Rey (5), R.M. Rich (8), T.A. Barlow (5), T. Conrow...
Interacting Galaxies
Cosmology News
Title: The Spitzer Spirals, Bridges, and Tails Interacting Galaxy Survey: Interaction-Induced Star Formation in the Mid-Infrared
Authors: Beverly J. Smith (ETSU), C. Struck (ISU), M. Han**** (ETSU), P. N. Appleton (SSC), V. Charmandaris (UCrete), W. T. Reach (SSC)
We p...
AWM 7 galaxy cluster
Cosmology News
Title: Suzaku Observations of AWM 7 Cluster of Galaxies: Temperature, Abundance and Bulk Motions Authors: Kosuke Sato, Kyoko Matsu****a, Yo****aka Ishisaki, Noriko Y. Yamasaki, Manabu Ishida, Shin Sasaki, Takaya Ohashi We carried out 3 observations of the cluster of galaxies AWM 7, for the cen...
Ultracompact Blue Dwarf Galaxies
Cosmology News
Title: Ultracompact Blue Dwarf Galaxies: Hubble Space Telescope Imaging and Stellar Population Analysis
Authors: Michael R. Corbin, William D. Vacca, Roberto Cid Fernandes, John E. Hibbard, Rachel S. Somerville, Rogier A. Windhorst
Researchers present...
Galaxy Zoo
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Astronomy News
A new project known as Galaxy Zoo is calling on members of the public to log on to its website and help classify one million galaxies. The hope is that about 30,000 people might take part in a project that could help reveal whether our existing models of the Universe are correct. Computers users undergo...
Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies
Cosmology News
Title: Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies with Spitzer: The Infrared/Radio Properties Authors: Yanling Wu, V. Charmandaris, J.R. Houck, J.Bernard-Salas, V.Lebouteiller, B.R. Brandl, D. Farrah We study the correlation between the radio, mid-infrared and far-infrared properties for a sample of 28...
Dwarf spheroidal galaxies
Cosmology News
Cosmic Dance Helps Galaxies Lose Weight A study published this week in the journal Nature offers an explanation for the origin of dwarf spheroidal galaxies. The research may settle an outstanding puzzle in understanding galaxy formation. Dwarf spheroidal galaxies are small and very faint, cont...
Early-type Galaxies
Cosmology News
Title: Chandra Observations of Early-type Galaxies Authors: Alex E Athey We have performed uniform analysis of a sample of 54 nearby, early-type galaxies observed with Chandra. In this work we present the spectral results for both the diffuse Interstellar Medium, ISM, and low-mass X-ray binari...
Nearby radio galaxies
Cosmology News
Title: A Chandra study of particle acceleration in the multiple hotspots of nearby radio galaxies Authors: M. J. Hardcastle, J. H. Croston, R. P. Kraft We present Chandra observations of a small sample of nearby classical double radio galaxies which have more than one radio hotspot in at least one o...
Compact Galaxies
Cosmology News
Imagine receiving an announcement touting the birth of a baby 20 inches long and weighing 180 pounds. After reading this puzzling message, you would immediately think the baby's weight was a misprint. Astronomers looking at galaxies in the universe's distant past received a similar perplexing a...
Seyfert galaxies
Cosmology News
Title: The Seyfert galaxies in the local Universe: from BeppoSAX to Simbol-X Authors: Mauro Dadina The operational conditions found by BeppoSAX in observing nearby (z <= 0.1) Seyferts were reproduced for Simbol -X in order to simulate a realistic final database of the mission. The results in...
Merging Galaxies
Cosmology News
Astronomers have caught multiple massive galaxies in the act of merging about 4 billion years ago. This discovery, made possible by combining the power of the best ground- and space-based telescopes, uniquely supports the favoured theory of how galaxies form. How do galaxies form? The most widel...
LSB galaxies
Cosmology News
Title: Chandra Observations of Nuclear X-ray Emission from Low Surface Brightness Galaxies Authors: M. Das, C. S. Reynolds, S. N. Vogel, S. S. McGaugh, N. G. Kantharia We present Chandra detections of x-ray emission from the AGN in two giant Low Surface Brightness (LSB) galaxies, UGC 2936 and UGC 1...
Cosmology News
A team of astronomers from Cardiff University and the University of Washington Seattle reports in the journal 'Nature' this week that they have discovered that galaxies are much simpler than anybody thought. Galaxies are enormous whirlpools of stars, and the Sun is but one star in our own Milky Way...
Ultra-Compact Dwarf (UCDs) galaxies
Cosmology News
Deep Gemini imaging of the cluster of galaxies Hydra I (also known as Abell 1060) at a distance of 54 Mpc (176 million light-years) has revealed an abundance of massive luminous metal-rich globular clusters that appears to impersonate ultra-compact dwarf galaxies. This is the richest population...
Massive galaxies
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Cosmology News
A team led by an Indiana University astronomer has found a sample of massive galaxies with properties that suggest they may have formed relatively recently. This would run counter to the widely-held belief that massive, luminous galaxies (like our own Milky Way Galaxy) began their formation and e...
First Massive Galaxies
Cosmology News
First results from the GOODS NICMOS survey, the largest Hubble Space Telescope programme ever led from outside of the United States, reveal how the most massive galaxies in the early Universe assembled to form the most massive objects in the Universe today. Dr Chris Conselice from the University o...
Satellite Galaxies
Cosmology News
Title: The Orbital Distribution of Satellite Galaxies Authors: Stéphane Herbert-Fort, Dennis Zaritsky, Yeun Jin Kim, Jeremy Bailin, James E. Taylor We measure the distribution of velocities for prograde and retrograde satellite galaxies using a combination of published data and new observa...
Galaxy clusters
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Cosmology News
Title: H.E.S.S. observations of galaxy clusters Authors: W. Domainko, W. Benbow, J. A. Hinton, O. Martineau-Huynh, M. de Naurois, D. Nedbal, G. Pedaletti, G. Rowell, for the H.E.S.S. Collaboration Clusters of galaxies, the largest gravitationally bound objects in the universe, are expected t...
Starburst Galaxies
Cosmology News
A telescope designed by a University of Miami physicist and an international team of collaborators has produced the clearest images of starburst galaxies, revealing a new picture of the universe in its early stages People have always wondered where we, our Earth, our galaxy, come from. A group of s...
Formation of the First Galaxies
Cosmology News
Title: The Formation of the First Galaxies Authors: Thomas H. Greif The primary concern of this thesis is to understand the formation and properties of the first galaxies, as well as the influence of the first stars in terms of radiative, mechanical and chemical feedback. In particular, we elucida...
Local Elliptical Galaxies
Cosmology News
Title: Recent Star-Forming Activity in Local Elliptical Galaxies Authors: Song Huang, Qiu-Sheng Gu The formation and evolution of elliptical galaxies (EGs) is still an open question. In particular, recent observations suggest that elliptical galaxies are not only simple spheroidal systems...
Green Peas
Cosmology News
A team of astronomers has discovered a group of rare galaxies called the "Green Peas" with the help of citizen scientists working through an online project called Galaxy Zoo. The finding could lend unique insights into how galaxies form stars in the early universe. The Galaxy Zoo users,...
Compact elliptical galaxies
Cosmology News
Une population de galaxies elliptiques compactes détectées avec l'Observatoire Virtuel Les galaxies elliptiques compactes (cE) sont des objets rares, qui sont observés en général au voisinage de galaxies massives, comme Messier 32 autour de la galaxie d'Andromède. Comme leur métallicité es...
z~10 Galaxy Candidates
Cosmology News
Astronomers have caught a glimpse of galaxies that existed a mere 500 million years after the Big Bang, more than 13 billion years ago. For the past few months, researchers have been poring over the new WFC3 data set - a sliver of sky about one-twelfth the diameter of the full Moon, viewed for 173,000 se...