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Physics News
Sound waves in a fluid behave uncannily like light waves in space. Black holes even have acoustic counterparts.
Could spacetime literally be a kind of fluid, like the ether of pre-Einsteinian physics?
When Albert Einstein proposed his special theory of relativity in 1905, he rejected the 1...
Theory of Everything
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Cosmology News
The quest for a single theory that unites all of the universe's fundamental forces has thus far eluded physicists, but that has not stopped a team of them from clearing the way for nanotechnologists while they look for it.
The group, which includes Purdue University's Ephraim Fischbach, has re...
Arrow of Time
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Physics News
Spontaneous Inflation and the Origin of the Arrow of Time
Microscopic laws of physics are essentially time-reversal invariant, but macroscopic thermodynamics exhibits a profound time-asymmetry; entropy typically increases in closed systems. This intriguing feature of the real w...
Dark Energy
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Cosmology News
Cosmologists from Princeton University have proposed a new technique that will be able to determine if the cosmic acceleration (expansion of the universe) is due to a yet unknown form of Dark Energy in the universe or if it is a signature of a breakdown of Einstein's theory of Gener...
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Physics News
Theoretical physicists in the Netherlands have proposed a way to make superstrings in the laboratory. If their idea can be put into practice, it would allow aspects of string theory to be explored in an experiment for the first time. The new approach relies on exploiting the properties of ultr...
Big Bang
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Cosmology News
Kent State faculty and graduate students are among a team of physicists who recreated the material essence of the universe as it would have been mere microseconds after the Big Bang—a quark-gluon plasma.
This huge insight allows scientists to study matter in its earliest form and comes from an...
Lie group E8
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Physics News
Mathematicians have mapped the inner workings of one of the most complicated structures ever studied: the object known as the exceptional Lie group E8. This achievement is significant both as an advance in basic knowledge and because of the many connections between E8 and other areas, including...
Chaos Theory
Physics News
The hype has subsided and now chaos theory is a ubiquitous part of science. Chaos theory, the study of how tiny fluctuations can have tremendous effects within a moving system, emerged in mainstream physics about 30 years ago. The signa...
Dark matter
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Cosmology News
A number of signals involving charged cosmic rays and high-energy photons have been interpreted as being due to annihilating Dark Matter. This article provides an overview of the experimental evidence and di... >
Twistor theory
Physics News
Twistor theory has been developed by Roger Penrose and his associates since the 1960s. He realised that using the space-time continuum picture to describe physical processes is inadequate not only at the Planck scale of 10-33 cm but also at the much larger scales of elementary particles, or perhap...
Steady State theory dead
Cosmology News
Data from the Sloan Sky Survey show that quasars and galaxy associations are random.
There's no solid evidence for any non-AGN process behind QSO phenomena, just random statistical coincidences.
This is another, and hopefully final, nail in the coffin for the Steady State theory.
Cyclic Universe
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Cosmology News
A cyclic universe, which bounces through a series of big bangs and "big crunches", could solve the puzzle of our cosmological con...
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All queries go here
Stephen Hawkings was the first physicists to publish a paper on Multiverse. The idea that the Universe is actulaly made up of many Universe's. It stands to reason that this may be the exact thing. The Multiverse theory opens up the idea of how young or how old this Universe might be. It has been discove...
Quantum information
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Physics News
Title: Almost Certain Escape from Black Holes in Final State Projection Models
Author: Seth Lloyd
Recent models of the black-hole final state suggest that quantum information can escape from a black hole by a process akin to teleportation. These models rely on a controvers...
Modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND)
Cosmology News
If, for some reason, you managed to make an egg stand on its end during the recent equinox, experimental physicists could do with your help. An exquisitely sensitive experiment that can only be performed during equinoxes could test some of the theories that offer an alternative to dark matter. Star...
Quantum entanglement
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Physics News
Quantum entanglement could be responsible for mass, and could finally explain why the fundamental particles of matter have the mass they do.
Sometimes, the interaction of two particles, say electrons, causes their individual properties, such as spin, to become "entangled".
If y...
Unparticle Physics
Physics News
Title: Unparticle Physics Author: Howard Georgi I discuss some simple aspects of the low-energy physics of a nontrivial scale invariant sector of an effective field theory - physics that cannot be described in terms of particles. I argue that it is important to take seriously the possibility that...
Physics News
For budding time travellers, the future (or should that be the past?) is starting to look bleak. Hypothetical tunnels called wormholes once looked like the best bet for constructing a real time machine. These cosmic shortcuts, which link one point in the Universe to another, are fa...
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Physics News
Light may arise from tiny relativity violations, according to a new theory.
Speaking most recently at last month's American Physical Society meeting of the Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics in Nebraska, Alan Kostelecky of Indiana University described how light mi...
Virtual Particles
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Physics News
Any vibrating object should be slowed by quantum "virtual" particles that permeate empty space, according to theory. This weak "friction" should spew photons like sparks from a dangling bumper. In the 26 May PRL researchers propose detecting this effect by vibrating one end of a small reflective...
Primordial Helium Abundance
Cosmology News
Title: On the Primordial Helium Abundance and the DeltaY/DeltaO Ratio
Authors: M. Peimbert (IA-Unam), V. Luridiana (IAA, Csic), A. Peimbert (IA-Unam), L. Carigi (IA-Unam)
We present a review on the determination of the primordial helium abundance, Yp, based on the study...
Holographic Principle
Physics News
Like a Hologram, the Universe Merely Appears to Have Three Spatial Dimensions.
In quantum physics, nothing is as it seems. As physicists continue to study the universe they continually run into new questions that shake how humans understand the universe's intricate mechanics.
Ekpyrotic Cosmology
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Cosmology News
Title: New Ekpyrotic Cosmology Authors: Evgeny I. Buchbinder, Justin Khoury, Burt A. Ovrut (Version v4) In this paper, we present a new scenario of the early Universe that contains a pre big bang Ekpyrotic phase. By combining this with a ghost condensate, the theory explicitly violates the null en...
Glow From The First Stars In The Universe
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Stars/galaxy News
From BBC:
Astronomers have detected a faint glow from the first stars to form in the Universe, Nature journal reports.
This earliest group of stars, called Population III, probably formed from primordial gas less than 200 million years after the Big Bang.
These objects cannot be seen by an...
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Physics News
In everyday life the number of dimensions refers to the minimum number of measurements required to specify the position of an object, such as latitude, longitude and altitude. Implicit in this definition is that space is smooth and obeys the laws of classical physics. But what if space is not so well...
Mangled universe
Physics News
According to a new analysis of the Everett (Many-Worlds) interpretation of quantum theory, our universe may one day be assimilated by a larger universe.
Alternative universes that some theorists think may exist in parallel to our universe could interact, and could ultimately destroy it.
Map of the Universe
Cosmology News
Title: A Map of the Universe Authors: Gott, J. Richard, III; Juri, Mario; Schlegel, David; Hoyle, Fiona; Vogeley, Michael; Tegmark, Max; Bahcall, Neta; Brinkmann, Jon We have produced a new conformal map of the universe illustrating recent discoveries, ranging from Kuiper Belt ob...
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Cosmology News
Title: Large Volume Axionic Swiss-Cheese Inflation Authors: Aalok Misra, Pramod Shukla (Version v5) Continuing with the ideas of (section 4 of) [1], after inclusion of perturbative and non-perturbative alpha' corrections to the Kaehler potential and (D1- and D3-) instanton generated superp...
The Universe
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Cosmology News
The Universe is beige After studying the colour of light emitted by 200,000 galaxies scientists have combined them to produce the colour, they have dubbed 'cosmic latte'. Other names suggested for it were 'univeige' and 'skyvory'. But apparently this colour has changed over the last six billion y...
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Cosmology News
20th April 2005
Cool spaces in the cosmic microwave background, thought to be the 'birthmarks' of galaxies and clusters of galaxies, should be bigger, according to new analysis of satellite data by scientists at The University of Alabama in Huntsville.
This new analysis suggests that ther...
The Reionisation epoch
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Cosmology News
A new simulation method recently developed by Stanford astrophysicist Marcelo Alvarez and Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship student Patrick Ho spurns complexity to make headway in understanding the early universe's structure formation. Collapsing a complicated trajectory int...
Cosmic Horizon
Cosmology News
Title: The Cosmic Horizon Authors: Fulvio Melia The cosmological principle, promoting the view that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic, is embodied within the mathematical structure of the Robertson-Walker (RW) metric. The equations derived from an application of this metric to the Ei...
Cosmic Dawn
Cosmology News
Cosmic Dawn z=8.5 shows the Universe 590 million years after the Big Bang Scientists have used a computer simulation to predict what the very early Universe would have appeared like 500 million years after the Big Bang. The images, produced by scientists at Durham University's Institute for Compu...
Universe is Bigger
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Cosmology News
That intergalactic road trip to Triangulum is going to take a little longer than you had planned. An Ohio State University astronomer and his colleagues have determined that the Triangulum Galaxy,...
large scale structures
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Cosmology News
Is the matter in the universe arranged in a fractal pattern? A new study of nearly a million galaxies suggests it is though there are no well-accepted theories to explain why that would be so. Cosmologists trying to reconstruct the entire history of the universe have precious few clues from which to w...
How big is the universe?
How big is the universe? Can the human mind comprehend it? Let's give it a go ... This is a talk given at the Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge by Luke Barnes, in November 2008. Getting your brain around the universe - Part 1 Click to Play | View Details Getting your brain around the univers...