Cerne Abbas giant
Art gallery
Pagans have pledged to perform "rain magic" to wash away Homer Simpson, the cartoon character, who was painted next to their famous fertility symbol, the Cerne Abbas giant, yesterday. Homer Simpson and Cerne Abbas g...
Ancient Earthworks
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General news
The US Midwest’s immense earthworks, structures built by ancient Native American cultures, have been all but lost to plough and pavement. No longer. An ambitious effort by the University of Cincinnati has rebuilt the mounds of two millennia ago. These virtual earthworks will soon be set to travel...
Everyone here, it seems, has a theory about the Nasca Lines. The mysterious markings on the desert floor are a massive astronomical calendar. That's a popular one. Or maybe they point to hidden reserves of water, the source of life in the desert. Then there's my favourite: UFO landing site. Forty yea...
Nazca Lines
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General news
A new giant picture on the Nazca Plateau in Peru, which is famous for giant patterns that can be seen from the air, has been discovered by a team of Japanese researchers. The image is 65 meters long, and appears to be an animal with horns. It is thought to have been drawn as a symbol of hopes for good crops, b...
Serpent Mound Astrobleme
Meteorite News
An asteroid impacted in Ohio, US about 300 million years ago.
There is an approximately 6.4 kilometre diameter astrobleme just slightly to the northeast of the Serpent Mound*, near where the three counties, Adams, Pike and Highland come together.
The present elevation of the central...
Jordanian Geoglyphs
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Strange stone structures similar to Peru's 'Nazca Lines' discovered in West Asia Thousands of patterns, almost look-alike of Peru's archaic Nazca Lines, have been found in the West Asia. Satellite and aerial photography showed mysterious stone 'wheels', which are more in number and older than...
Gobi Desert geoglyphs
Mysterious Symbols in China Desert Are Spy Satellite Targets Newfound Google Maps images have revealed an array of mysterious structures and patterns etched into the surface of China's Gobi Desert. The media - from mainstream to fringe - has wildly speculated that they might be Chinese weapons-t...