Vilama Caldera
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Vilama Caldera in Argentina may be just one of several unappreciated supervolcanoes hidden in a veritable mega-volcano nursery called the Eduardo Avaroa Caldera Complex, located in the inhospitable Puna-Altiplano region near the tri-section of Argentina, Bolivia, and Chile.
Oregon Bulge
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A recent survey of a bulge that covers about 100 square miles near the South Sister indicates the area is still growing, suggesting it could be another volcano in the making or a major shift of molten rock under the centre of the Cascade Range.
Recent eruptions at nearby Mount St. Helens in...
Toba Supervolcano
General news
This image of Toba Caldera was captured by NASA’s Terra satellite on January 28, 2006. Expand (332kb, 1024 x 768) Credit NASA Location: 98°49'24" 2°34'54" [url=http://www.activeboard.c...
Oregon Supervolcano
General news
Field guides of Portland and Oregon's "supervolcano" featured in new issue of Oregon Geology magazine. Read more (34mb, PDF)
Long Valley Caldera
Long Valley Caldera is a depression in eastern California that is adjacent to Mammoth Mountain. The valley is one of the largest calderas on earth, measuring about 32 km long (east-west) and 18 km wide (north-south). The Long Valley volcano is unique in that it has produced eruptions of both basalti...
Yellowstone caldera
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Astronomy News
The Yellowstone caldera has been classified a high threat for volcanic eruption, according to a report from the U.S. Geological Survey.
Yellowstone ranks 21st most dangerous of the 169 volcano centres in the...
Sesia Valley Caldera
General news
'Rosetta Stone' of supervolcanoes discovered in Italian Alps Rare uplift reveals for the first time the deep plumbing of a supervolcano Scientists have found the "Rosetta Stone" of supervolcanoes, those giant pockmarks in the Earth's surface produced by rare and massive explosive e...
Laacher See
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Laacher See or Laach Lake (in English) is a caldera lake in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, situated close to the cities of Koblenz, Mayen (11 km), and Andernach (14 km). It fills a volcanic caldera in the Eifel mountain range, the only caldera in Central Europe. It is part of the area of the "eas...
Phlegrean Fields
General news
Satellite images acquired by ESA’s Envisat satellite have revealed the volcanic region of the Phlegrean Fields, located in southern Italy near the city of Naples, has entered a new uplift phase.
Using Differential SAR Interferometry (DInSAR), scientists at the Institute for the Electroma...
Taupo volcano
General news
According to GNS, the Taupo volcano first began erupting about 300,000 years ago and it is a given that it will do so again one day. A repeat eruption of the size of either the Oruanui or Taupo eruptions would "devastate most of the North Island", according to GNS. Taupo is part of a belt of act...
Orakei volcano
General news
Scientists drilling into the Orakei Basin in Auckland have found the Orakei volcano is probably three times as old as previously thought.
A group of geologists from government-owned researc...
Mount Sakurajima
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General news
Mount Sakurajima, in southern Japan, has erupted at 08:30 GMT, (5:30 pm local time), on Wednesday. According to the Japanese Weather Agency, ash was blown 1,000 metres into the air. There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries.
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Deception Island
General news
Deception Island is a volcanic caldera, which formed a natural harbour when the caldera collapsed.
The harbour is called Port Foster.
The Island is in the South Shetland Islands, on the Bransfield Rift where the rift is offset by a short ridge-ridge transform fault .
700000 years ago, volcan...
Kikai caldera
General news
Kikai is a mostly submerged, 19-km-wide caldera near the northern end of the Ryukyu Islands south of Kyushu. Kikai was the source of one of the world's largest Holocene eruptions about 6300 years ago. Read more [url=http://farm1...
Uzon Caldera
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Uzon Caldera developed 40 thousand years ago on the site of a huge volcano destroyed by a set of bursting eruptions. The last cataclysm inside the Caldera (8,500 years ago) left its trace as a blasting crater about one kilometre in diameter. The following centuries of intensive hydro-thermal acti...
Kurile Lake caldera
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Kurile Lake is located in the southernmost part of Kamchatka, at the southern end of the subduction-related Eastern volcanic front. Five Late Pleistocene-Holocene volcanoes (from north to south: Zheltovsky; Iliinsky, Dikii Greben'; Koshelev, and Kambalny) located only 12-18 km one from ano...
Valles Caldera
Valles Caldera (or Jemez Caldera), is a 19 km wide volcanic caldera in the Jemez Mountains of northern New Mexico. Valles Caldera is one of the smaller volcanoes in the supervolcano class. The circular topographic rim of the caldera measures 19 kilometres in diameter. The El Cajete Pumice, Battle...
Siberian Traps
A Michigan Technological University researcher may have solved a long-standing mystery in earth science studies. In Siberia there exist stepped, large-scale basaltic formations known as "traps." The traps formed about 250 million years ago, at a time that about 90 percent of the spe...
Supervolcanoes 'can grow in just hundreds of years' The largest volcanoes on our planet may take as little as a few hundred years to form and erupt. These "supervolcanoes" were thought to exist for as much as 200,000 years before releasing their vast underground pools of molten rock. Re...