RR Lyrae stars
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Stars/galaxy News
Title: Carbon-rich RR Lyr type stars Authors: George Wallerstein, V. V. Kovtyukh, S. M. Andrievsky We have derived CNO abundances in 12 RR Lyrae stars. Four stars show [C/Fe] near 0.0 and two stars show [C/Fe] = 0.52 and 0.65. Red giant branch stars, which are known to be the predecessors of RR Lyrae st...
VX Hydrae
Title: VX Hydrae: Observation of a Sudden Change in a Pulsating Star Authors: M. Bonnardeau, S. Dvorak, R. Poklar, G. Samolyk Time-series of VX Hya from March 2005 to April 2010 are analyzed. A period jump is discovered to happen in 2008 in all the pulsation modes, being at its strongest for the overto...
RR Lyrae
Title: Nonlinear asteroseismology of RR Lyrae Authors: L. Molnár, Z. Kolláth, R. Szabó, K. Kolenberg, S. Bryson, F. Mullally, S. E. Thompson The observations of the Kepler space telescope revealed that fundamental-mode RR Lyrae stars may show various radial overtones. The presence of multiple...