Ocean Birth
General news
The largest tear in the Earth's crust seen in decades, if not centuries, could carve out a new ocean in Africa, according to satellite data.
Geologists say a crack that opened up last year may eventually reach the Red Sea, isolating much of Ethiopia and Eritrea from the rest of Africa.
Ocean Observing Networks
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Scientists Gear Up to Launch Ocean Observing Networks
[QUOTE]Oceanography is on the verge of a revolution. Instead of sporadic, expeditionary glimpses of the ocean from ships and subs, oceanographers would like to establish a permanent presence in the ocean. [/QUOTE]
Ocean vortex
General news
Ocean vortex 'death trap' discovered
A massive ocean vortex discovered off the West Australian coast is acting as a "death trap" by sucking in huge amounts of fish larvae and could affect the surrounding climate.
A team of scientists from The University of Western Australia Murdo...
Ancient Oceanic Trench
General news
Archaeologists have found an ancient oceanic trench in south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.
The 20-hectare site with Karst topography is located at Mount Malong beside the city of Guilin.
The ocea...
Popcorn Ridge
General news
Scientists aboard the Scripps research vessel Roger Revelle this week solved a 45-year-old geological mystery.
In 1960, Scripps oceanographer Dale Krause reported the discovery of extraordinary deep-sea volcanic rocks in waters off Mexico, near Guadalupe Island, approximately 2...
Giant freak waves
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General news
When seafarers described giant freak waves in tones of awe, sceptical landlubbers dismissed them as fantasy. Now scientists believe they have evidence of a wave the size of a 10-storey building.
It happened on September 16 last year when Hurricane Ivan stormed across the Gulf of Mexic...
The ancient sea
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Astronomy News
The ancient sea was more like a giant salty lake than a rolling ocean, report scientists from Imperial College London in the May edition of the Journal of the Geological Society.
A new computer model that simulates how tides in North West Europe would have behaved 300 million years ago shows a sea wi...
La Nina
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ESA scientists said last Friday that recent satellite measurements of a significant difference in sea-surface height between the western and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean suggest a La Nina event is beginning. El Nino's chillier sister, La Nina also is linked to wide-ranging shifts in w...
General news
Marine scientists have now figured out a way to "see through" the ocean's surface and detect what's below, with the help of satellites in space.
Using sensor data from several U.S. and European satellites, researchers from the University of Delaware, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the...
GlobColour project
General news
The Earths oceans play a vital role in the carbon cycle, making it imperative that we understand marine biological activity enough to predict how our planet will react to the extra 25 000 million tonnes of carbon dioxide humans are pumping into the atmosphere annually. The colour of oceanic seawat...
Ocean Circulation
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The familiar model of Atlantic ocean currents that shows a discrete "conveyor belt" of deep, cold water flowing southward from the Labrador Sea is probably all wet. New research led by Duke University and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution relied on an armada of sophisticated fl...
New Jersey Shallow Shelf
General news
Expedition 313 - New Jersey Shallow Shelf The New Jersey Shallow Shelf Expedition will be implemented in 2009. The offshore phase of the expedition will start in May, further details will be announced as soon as possible. This IODP expedition receives additional financial support from the Intern...
Birth of a new ocean
General news
In a remote part of northern Ethiopia, the Earths crust is being stretched to breaking point, providing geologists with a unique opportunity to watch the birth of what may eventually become a new ocean. Lorraine Field, a PhD student, and Dr James Hammond, both from the Department of Earth Sciences,...
Ocean Floor
Off Topic
Deep under the ocean's surface lies a treasure trove of new life forms, fuel sources and knowledge. But, given the darkness, freezing temperatures and crushing pressure, it's not easy to get there. Indeed 95 percent of the ocean remains unexplored; we know more about the surface of Mars than we do ab...
General news
Searching for Cadmium in the Ocean They are invisible and very difficult to measure but no life in the oceans would be possible without them. They are trace metals, such as cadmium, copper or iron, dissolved in seawater. Their precise origin and distribution in the world's ocean, in particular in th...
General news
Nasa satellites have weighed the water lost by the US State of California's heartland since 2003. The Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins which support the highly productive Central Valley have shed over 30 cubic km of water in that time. The data comes from the Grace mission which detects chang...
Audio Visual
Oceans cover nearly three-quarters of Earth's surface, yet they remain the least explored territories of our planet. Oceans, a new film produced by filmmaker Jacques Perrin, captures the mysterious and fascinating marine world like never before. ESA supported the production of the film by prov...
Red Sea
General news
Reefs form on 'ancient template' Red Sea coral reefs get their complex shape from an ancient 'seabed template', say scientists. Their distinctive appearance can be seen clearly in satellite images of the region and has its origin in seabed erosion thousands of years ago. The scientists say the cor...
Mariana Trench
Oceans' deepest depth re-measured US scientists have mapped the deepest part of the world's oceans in greater detail than ever before. The Mariana Trench in the western Pacific runs for about 2,500km and extends down to 10,994m. This measurement for the deepest point - known as Challenger Deep - is...