Harappan script
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A University of Washington computer scientist has led a statistical study of the Indus script, comparing the pattern of symbols to various linguistic scripts and nonlinguistic systems, including DNA and a computer programming language. The results, published online Thursday by the journal Sc...
Kutch Crater
Meteorite News
Indian geologists claim to have discovered a possible Impact Crater in Kutch district of Gujarat dating back to the Vedic period.
The crater, suspected to have been formed by the impact of an extra-terrestrial object, is seen as a circular feature near Luna village in the northwestern Banni Plai...
Harappan civilisation
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Designers of the 17th century Taj Mahal, the finest piece of Mughal architecture, employed the same unit of measurement used by the Harappan civilisation as far back 2000 BC, according to a study by an IIT-Kanpur professor. These units were used by builders in India till the British imposed their ow...
Harappan observatory
'First astro observatory' of Harappan Civilisation found in Kutch A group of scientists has identified two circular structures at Dholavira in Kutch district of Gujarat, which they say is the first identification of a structure used for observational astronomy during the Harappan Civilisatio...