Spiders in Amber
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General news
Scientists at The University of Manchester and the Manchester Metropolitan University have carried out the first comparative scientific study of ancient spiders trapped in amber more than 30 millions years ago.
The study of fossilised spiders from the Baltic (Poland) and the Dominican (Ca...
Frog in Amber
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A Mexican researcher announced the rare find of a tiny tree frog completely preserved in amber on Wednesday that he estimates lived about 25 million years ago. The chunk of amber containing the 0.4-inch frog was uncovered by a miner in southern Chiapas states in 2005 and was bought by a private collec...
Astronomy News
The ESO Very Large Telescope Interferometer, which allows astronomers to scrutinise objects with a precision equivalent to that of a 130-m telescope, is proving itself an unequalled success every day. One of the latest instruments installed, AMBER, has led to a flurry of scientific results, an a...
Eggshell in Amber
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In the past year, a Corvallis entomologist has discovered the oldest known bee, mushroom and a chemical-spewing beetle. Now, George Poinar has come up with another ancient discovery: the oldest vertebrate eggshell, most likely that of a hummingbird. The quarter-inch-long eggshell -- its chic...
The oldest mushroom
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The oldest mushroom ever discovered, encased in amber, is on sale for a mere US$100,000. The mushroom was discovered by Ron Buckley, a registered nurse and amateur fossil hunter in Florence, Kentucky. Buckley spotted it encased in a piece of Burmese amber that he had obtained from a Canadian import...
General news
Scientists have discovered a "microworld" of 220-million-year-old life trapped in tiny drops of ancient amber.
The fossilised plant resin preserved bacteria, fungi, algae, and microscopic animals known as protozoans some 220 million years ago—the era when the very first dinosaurs began to...
Insects in amber
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Mating mites trapped in amber reveal sex role reversal In the mating game, some female mites are mightier than their mates, new research at the University of Michigan and the Russian Academy of Sciences suggests. The evidence comes, in part, from 40 million-year-old mating mites preserved in Balt...