The Space Exploration Technologies Corp (SpaceX) Dragon spacecraft has aborted the launch from Space Launch Complex 40, Cape Canaveral at T-minus 3 minutes. Launch may be rescheduled to the second launch window.
T minus 02:35:00....Poll stations to proceed with countdown master auto sequence, fuel and oxidiser loading T minus 01:40:00....Lower strongback umbilical tower T minus 01:00:00....Allow countdown auto sequence to proceed with Stage 2 fuel bleed and thrust vector control bleed T minus 00:13:00....Poll by SpaceX launch director T minus 00:11:00....Logical hold point T minus 00:10:00....Begin terminal countdown sequence T minus 00:09:43....Open prevalves to chill down first stage Merlin engine pumps T minus 00:06:17....Issue command to align flight computer T minus 00:05:00....Terminate loading of gaseous nitrogen into second stage
T minus 00:04:46....Transfer first and second stages to internal power T minus 00:03:11....Arm flight termination system T minus 00:03:02....Terminate liquid oxygen propellant topping T minus 00:03:00....Verify movement of second stage thrust vector control steering actuators T minus 00:02:30....SpaceX launch director verifies "go" for launch T minus 00:02:00....Range verifies "go" for launch T minus 00:01:35....Terminate loading of helium pressurant T minus 00:01:00....Command flight computer to start-up state and turn on pad deck water deluge system T minus 00:00:50....Check first stage thrust vector control steering actuators T minus 00:00:40....Pressurise first and second stage propellant tanks T minus 00:00:03....Command first stage engine ignition sequence T minus 00:00:00....Liftoff Source: SpaceX
The first demo flight for the Commercial Orbital Transportation Services (COTS) program could happen no earlier than Wednesday December 8th. This is the first-ever test flight of a Dragon spacecraft, an entirely new spacecraft designed in the last decade, and only the second ever test flight of the Falcon 9 launch vehicle. It also marks the first time a commercial company is attempting to re-enter a spacecraft from orbit.
On the December 8th, the launch window opens at 9:03 AM EST / 6:03 AM PST / 15:03 UTC and closes at 12:20 PM EST / 9:20 PST / 18:20 UTC
A US capsule that could soon be hauling cargo and even astronauts to the space station is set to make its first demonstration flight on Wednesday. The Dragon ship will be launched from Florida on a Falcon 9 rocket, with the aim of entering a circular orbit some 300km above the planet. The launch window for Wednesday's mission opens at 09:00 EST (14:00 GMT) and runs for three hours and 22 minutes. Read more