Humidity: 68% Dew Point: 74 °F / 24 °C Wind: 16 mph / 26 km/h / 7.2 m/s from the NE Pressure: 29.90 in / 1012 hPa Heat Index: 95 °F / 35 °C Visibility: 10.0 miles / 16.1 kilometres UV: 5 out of 16 Clouds: Few 2500 ft / 762 m Few 6500 ft / 1981 m Few 20000 ft / 6096 m Scattered Clouds 30000 ft / 9144 m Mostly Cloudy 40000 ft / 12192 m
"We have scrubbed for the day." With that statement, launch controllers at Kwajalein Atoll nixed any chance the Falcon 1 rocket would launch Monday, as crews work to get a handle on a reported communications glitch.