"The Devil in the Dark" is a first-season episode of the original science fiction television series Star Trek, first airing on March 9, 1967 and repeating on June 15, 1967. It was written by Gene L. Coon and directed by Joseph Pevney. William Shatner wrote in his memoirs that "The Devil in the Dark" was his favourite original Star Trek episode. Read more
"The Ultimate Computer" is a season two episode of the original science fiction television series Star Trek, first broadcast on March 8, 1968 and repeated June 28, 1968. Read more
"The Savage Curtain" a third season episode of the original science fiction television series Star Trek, first broadcast on March 7, 1969 and repeated July 1, 1969. Read more
"This Side of Paradise" is the twenty-fourth episode of the first season of the original science fiction television series Star Trek. It was first broadcast on March 2, 1967 and was repeated on August 10, 1967. The episode was written by D.C. Fontana and Jerry Sohl (using the pseudonym Nathan Butler), and directed by Ralph Senensky. The title is taken from the poem "Tiare Tahiti" by Rupert Brooke. Read more
"The Omega Glory" is a second-season episode of the original science fiction television series Star Trek, first broadcast March 1, 1968, and repeated July 26, 1968. Read more
"The Cloud Minders" is a third season episode of the original science fiction television series Star Trek, and was broadcast on February 28, 1969. Read more
By Any Other Name" is a second season episode of the original science fiction television series Star Trek, first broadcast February 23, 1968 and repeated May 31, 1968. Read more
"A Taste of Armageddon" is a first-season episode of the original science fiction television series Star Trek. First broadcast on February 23, 1967 and repeated July 20, 1967, episode #23, production #23, written by Robert Hamner and Gene L. Coon, and directed by Joseph Pevney. Read more
"The Way to Eden" is the twentieth episode of the third season of the original science fiction television series Star Trek, and was broadcast February 21, 1969. In this episode, the Enterprise is hijacked by a madman-scientist and his fanatical, hippie-like followers who are blindly obsessed in finding a mythical planet of perpetual paradise. Read more
"Patterns of Force" is a second season episode of the original science fiction television series Star Trek, and was broadcast on February 16, 1968. Read more