"The Ultimate Computer" is a season two episode of the original science fiction television series Star Trek, first broadcast on March 8, 1968 and repeated June 28, 1968. Read more
"Turnabout Intruder" is a third season, as well as the final first-run, episode of the original science fiction television series Star Trek. It is episode #79, production #79, written by Arthur H. Singer, based on a story by Gene Roddenberry, and directed by Herb Wallerstein. This was the last original episode of Star Trek to air on NBC.
Originally scheduled to air at 10pm on Friday, March 28, 1969, the network pre-empted it at the last minute with a special report on former U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who had died earlier that day. On June 3, 1969, after an absence of 2 months, Star Trek was brought back on a new night and time: Tuesdays at 7:30pm EDT. "Turnabout Intruder" was the only first-run episode to be shown in this new time slot.
"Operation: Annihilate!" is the last original episode from the first season of the original science fiction television series Star Trek. It is episode #29, production #29, and was broadcast April 13, 1967. Read more
"The City on the Edge of Forever" is the penultimate episode of the first season of the science fiction television series Star Trek. It is episode #28, production #28, first broadcast on April 6, 1967. It was repeated on August 31, 1967 and marked the last time that NBC telecast an episode of the series on Thursday nights. It was one of the most critically acclaimed episodes of the series and was awarded the 1968 Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation. Read more
"The Alternative Factor" is a first season episode of the original science fiction television series Star Trek. It is episode #27, production #20, and was broadcast on March 30, 1967. Read more
"Assignment: Earth" is a second season episode of the original American science fiction television series Star Trek. It was first broadcast on March 29, 1968, as the last original episode in the second season, and repeated on August 9, 1968. Read more
"Errand of Mercy" is an episode of the original science fiction television series Star Trek. It was originally broadcast on March 23, 1967. It is episode #26, production #27, written by Gene L. Coon and directed by John Newland. This episode marks the first appearance of an alien race known as the Klingons. Read more
"All Our Yesterdays" is a third season (and the penultimate) episode of the science fiction television series Star Trek, first broadcast March 14, 1969 and repeated on August 5, 1969. It is episode #78, production #78, written by Jean Lisette Aroeste, and directed by Marvin Chomsky. It guest-stars Mariette Hartley as Zarabeth. The title comes from a well-known soliloquy given by Macbeth in Act V Scene V. Read more