Title: Possible Origin of the Damocloids: the Scattered Disk or a New Region? Authors: Su Wang (1), Haibin Zhao (1), Jianghui Ji (1), S. Jin (1,2), Y. Xia (1), H. Lu (1), M. Wang (1), J.S. Yao (1) ((1) Purple Mountain Observatory, CAS (2) Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
The Damocloids are a group of unusual asteroids, recently enrolling a new member of 2010 EJ104. The dynamical evolution for the Damocloids may uncover a connection passage from the Main Belt, the Kuiper Belt and the scattered disk beyond. According to our simulations, two regions may be considered as possible origin of the Damocloids: the scattered disk, or a part of Oort cloud which will be perturbed to a transient region locating between 700 AU and 1000 AU. Based on the potential origin, the Damocloids can be classified into two types, with relation to their semi-major axes, and about 65.5% Damocloids is classified into type I which mainly originate from Oort cloud. Whether the Damocloids is inactive nuclei of Halley Family Comets may rely on their origin.