An icy, unknown world might lurk in the distant reaches of our solar system beyond the orbit of Pluto, according to a new computer model. The hidden world thought to be much bigger than Pluto based on the model could explain unusual features of the Kuiper Belt, a region of space beyond Neptune littered with icy and rocky bodies.
I am working with solar system research. My main research interests are: trans-Neptunian objects (in the trans-Neptunian belt or Edgeworth-Kuiper belt), small solar system bodies, Centaurs, Trojans, orbital resonances, planet formation and migration and dynamics of minor bodies in general. Right now I am a JSPS fellow working at Kobe University. Patryk Sofia Lykawka
Title: An Outer Planet Beyond Pluto and Origin of the Trans-Neptunian Belt Architecture Authors: Patryk Sofia Lykawka, Tadashi Mukai
Trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) are remnants of a collisionally and dynamically evolved planetesimal disk in the outer solar system. This complex structure, known as the trans-Neptunian belt (or Edgeworth-Kuiper belt), can reveal important clues about disk properties, planet formation, and other evolutionary processes. In contrast to the predictions of accretion theory, TNOs exhibit surprisingly large eccentricities, e, and inclinations, i, which can be grouped into distinct dynamical classes. Several models have addressed the origin and orbital evolution of TNOs, but none have reproduced detailed observations, e.g., all dynamical classes and peculiar objects, or provided insightful predictions. Based on extensive simulations of planetesimal disks with the presence of the four giant planets and massive planetesimals, we propose that the orbital history of an outer planet with tenths of Earth's mass can explain the trans-Neptunian belt orbital structure. This massive body was likely scattered by one of the giant planets, which then stirred the primordial planetesimal disk to the levels observed at 40-50 AU and truncated it at about 48 AU before planet migration. The outer planet later acquired an inclined stable orbit (>100 AU; 20-40 deg) because of a resonant interaction with Neptune (an r:1 or r:2 resonance possibly coupled with the Kozai mechanism), guaranteeing the stability of the trans-Neptunian belt. Our model consistently reproduces the main features of each dynamical class with unprecedented detail; it also satisfies other constraints such as the current small total mass of the trans-Neptunian belt and Neptune's current orbit at 30.1 AU. We also provide observationally testable predictions.
Title: The water ice rich surface of (145453) 2005 RR43: a case for a carbon-depleted population of TNOs? Authors: N. Pinilla-Alonso (1), J. Licandro (2,3), R. Gil-Hutton (4), R. Brunetto (5,6) ((1) Fundacion Galileo Galilei, (2) Isaac Newton Group, (3) Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, (4) Complejo Astronomico el Leoncito, (5) Dipartamento di Fisica, Universita di Lecce, (6) INAF-Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania) (Version v2)
Recent results suggest that there is a group of TNOs (2003 EL61 being the biggest member), with surfaces composed of almost pure water ice and with very similar orbital elements. We study the surface composition of another TNO that moves in a similar orbit, 2005 RR43, and compare it with the surface composition of the other members of this group. We report visible and near-infrared spectra, obtained with the 4.2m William Herschel Telescope and the 3.58m Telescopio Nazionale Galileo at the "Roque de los Muchachos" Observatory (La Palma, Spain). The spectrum of 2005 RR43 is neutral in colour in the visible and dominated by very deep water ice absorption bands in the near infrared (D= 70.3 ± 2.1 % and 82.8 ± 4.9 % at 1.5 \mu and 2.0 \mu respectively). It is very similar to the spectrum of the group of TNOs already mentioned. All of them present much deeper water ice absorption bands (D>40 %) than any other TNO except Charon. Scattering models show that its surface is covered by water ice, a significant fraction in crytalline state with no trace (5 % upper limit) of complex organics. Possible scenarios to explain the existence of this population of TNOs are discussed: a giant collision, an originally carbon depleted composition, or a common process of continuous resurfacing. We conclude that TNO 2005 RR43 is member of a group, may be a population, of TNOs clustered in the space of orbital parameters that show abundant water ice and no signs of complex organics. The lack of complex organics in their surfaces suggests a significant smaller fraction of carbonaceous volatiles like CH4 in this population than in "normal" TNOs. A carbon depleted population of TNOs could be the origin of the population of carbon depleted Jupiter family comets already noticed by A'Hearn et al. (1995).
Title: Search for Small Trans-Neptunian Objects by the TAOS Project Authors: W. P. Chen, C. Al****, T. Axelrod, F. B. Bianco, Y. I. Byun, Y. H. Chang, K. H. Cook, R. Dave, J. Giammarco, D. W. Kim, S. K. King, T. Lee, M. Lehner, C. C. Lin, H. C. Lin, J. J. Lissauer, S. Marshall, N. Meinshausen, S. Mondal, I. de Pater, R. Porrata, J. Rice, M. E. Schwamb, A. Wang, S. Y. Wang, C. Y. Wen, Z. W. Zhang
The Taiwan-America Occultation Survey (TAOS) aims to determine the number of small icy bodies in the outer reach of the Solar System by means of stellar occultation. An array of 4 robotic small (D=0.5 m), wide-field (f/1.9) telescopes have been installed at Lulin Observatory in Taiwan to simultaneously monitor some thousand of stars for such rare occultation events. Because a typical occultation event by a TNO a few km across will last for only a fraction of a second, fast photometry is necessary. A special CCD readout scheme has been devised to allow for stellar photometry taken a few times per second. Effective analysis pipelines have been developed to process stellar light curves and to correlate any possible flux changes among all telescopes. A few billion photometric measurements have been collected since the routine survey began in early 2005. Our preliminary result of a very low detection rate suggests a deficit of small TNOs down to a few km size, consistent with the extrapolation of some recent studies of larger (30--100 km) TNOs.
Title: Solar System: Sifting through the debris Authors: Asantha Cooray (UC Irvine)
A quadrillion previously unnoticed small bodies beyond Neptune have been spotted as they dimmed X-rays from a distant source. Models of the dynamics of debris in the Solar System's suburbs must now be reworked.
Title: Occultation of X-rays from Scorpius X-1 by small trans-neptunian objects Authors: Hsiang-Kuang Chang1,2, Sun-Kun King3, Jau-Shian Liang1, Ping-Shien Wu2, Lupin Chun-Che Lin1 and Jeng-Lun Chiu1
Since the first discovery of the Trans-Neptunian Objects (TNOs) in 1992, nearly one thousand new members have been added to our solar system, among which several are of size comparable to or even larger than Pluto. Their population properties such as the size distribution and the total number are valuable information for understanding the formation of the solar system. Because TNOs are distant and small, direct detection is only possible for larger ones with diameter above several tens of kilometres. For smaller ones, which are expected to be more abundant in number, occultation of background stars by TNOs as a way to study their properties has been proposed but without any definite detection so far. Here we report the discovery of such occultation events at millisecond time scales in the X-ray light curve of Scorpius X-1. Assumed to be at a heliocentric distance of 43 AU in a circular Keplerian orbital motion, these occulting TNOs are estimated to have sizes about or less than 100 m. This is the first time that TNOs of such a small size are detected. Their abundance is in line with an extrapolation from the size distribution of TNOs larger than 100 km, without showing any indication of a possible turnover predicted by coagulation models for planet formation with collisional erosion. Diffraction patterns in the occultation light curves may provide further information to better determine the distances of these occulting TNOs.
The small trans-neptunian objects in our solar system were found by observations of the star Scorpius X-1 (Sco X1), by the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer satellite.
Title: The Diverse Solar Phase Curves of Distant Icy Bodies. Part I: Photometric Observations of 18 Trans-Neptunian Objects, 7 Centaurs, and Nereid Authors: David L. Rabinowitz (Yale), Bradley E. Schaefer (LSU), Suzanne W. Tourtellotte (Yale)
Researchers have measured the solar phase curves in B, V, and I for 18 Trans-Neptunian Objects, 7 Centaurs, and Nereid and determined the rotation curves for 10 of these targets. For each body, they have made ~100 observations uniformly spread over the entire visible range. They find that all the targets except Nereid have linear phase curves at small phase angles (< 2 deg) with widely varying phase coefficients (0.0 to 0.4 mag/deg). At phase angles > 3 deg, the Centaurs (54598) Bienor and (32532) Thereus have phase curves that flatten. The recently discovered Pluto-scale bodies (2003 UB313, 2005 FY9, and 2003 EL61), like Pluto, have neutral colours compared to most TNOs and small phase coefficients (< 0.1 mag/deg). Together these two properties are a likely indication for large TNOs of high-albedo, freshly coated icy surfaces. The researchers find several bodies with significantly wavelength-dependent phase curves. The TNOs (50000) Quaoar, (120348) 2004 TY364 (47932), and 2000 GN171 have unusually high I-band phase coefficients (0.290±0.038, 0.413±0.064, 0.281±0.033 mag/deg, respectively) and much lower coefficients in the B and V bands. Their phase coefficients increase in proportion to wavelength by 0.5 - 0.8 mag/deg/um. The phase curves for TNOs with small B-band phase coefficients (< 0.1 mag/deg) have a similar but weaker wavelength dependence. Coherent backscatter is the likely cause for the wavelength dependence for all these bodies. They see no such dependence for the Centaurs, which have visual albedos ~0.05.
Astronomers have found 45 previously unknown bodies of rock and ice orbiting beyond Neptune in the Kuiper Belt. They range from about 50 to 500 kilometres wide.
The announcement is probably a record for the most new solar system objects reported simultaneously, increasing the number of distant objects with well defined orbits by nearly 10%. But its real importance will be in measuring the distribution of distant objects well enough to test theories of how the outer solar system evolved.