Kuiper Belt Object (19521) Chaos, is a cubewano, a Kuiper-belt object not in resonance with any planet. It is a likely dwarf planet. Chaos was discovered in 1998 by the Deep Ecliptic Survey, with Kitt Peak's 4 m telescope. Assuming it has an albedo of 0.09, the absolute magnitude (H) of 4.9 would make it about 460 km in diameter. It is named after the primeval state of existence in Greek mythology, from which the first gods appeared. Read more
19521 Chaos, is a cubewano, a Kuiper belt object not in resonance with any planet. Chaos was discovered in 1998 by the Deep Ecliptic Survey, with Kitt Peak's 4 m telescope. Assuming it has an albedo of 0.09, the absolute magnitude (H) of 4.9 would make it about 460 km in diameter. It is named after the primeval state of existence in Greek mythology, from which the first gods appeared. Read more