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Post Info TOPIC: Comet P/2010 K1 (LINEAR)


Posts: 131433
Comet 236P/LINEAR

Comet 236P/LINEAR is at Opposition (4.318 AU) in the constellation Virgo on the 17th April 2015 


Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r    Elong.  Phase   Mag
2015 04 15    13 16 46.1 -22 14 41   4.3223  5.3039   166.8     2.5  24.4
2015 04 16    13 16 09.8 -22 10 20   4.3199  5.3022   166.9     2.5  24.4
2015 04 17    13 15 33.5 -22 05 56   4.3179  5.3004   166.9     2.5  24.4
2015 04 18    13 14 57.3 -22 01 28   4.3161  5.2986   166.8     2.5  24.4
2015 04 19    13 14 21.2 -21 56 57   4.3146  5.2968   166.7     2.5  24.4
2015 04 20    13 13 45.3 -21 52 22   4.3134  5.2950   166.4     2.6  24.4
2015 04 21    13 13 09.6 -21 47 44   4.3126  5.2932   166.0     2.6  24.4
2015 04 22    13 12 34.1 -21 43 04   4.3120  5.2914   165.6     2.7  24.4
2015 04 23    13 11 58.8 -21 38 20   4.3118  5.2896   165.1     2.8  24.4
2015 04 24    13 11 23.7 -21 33 34   4.3119  5.2878   164.5     2.9  24.4
2015 04 25    13 10 48.9 -21 28 46   4.3122  5.2860   163.9     3.0  24.4
2015 04 26    13 10 14.4 -21 23 55   4.3129  5.2842   163.2     3.2  24.4
2015 04 27    13 09 40.3 -21 19 02   4.3139  5.2823   162.5     3.3  24.4
2015 04 28    13 09 06.4 -21 14 07   4.3152  5.2805   161.7     3.4  24.4
2015 04 29    13 08 32.9 -21 09 11   4.3167  5.2787   160.9     3.6  24.4
2015 04 30    13 07 59.8 -21 04 13   4.3186  5.2768   160.1     3.7  24.4



Posts: 131433
Comet P/2010 K1 (LINEAR)

Comet P/2010 K1 (LINEAR) = Comet P/2003 UY275 (LINEAR)

Asteroid UY275 2003 was discovered by LINEAR on the 29th October 2003.
Thw object was recovered by J. Scotti (Spacewatch) on the 20th May, 2010, and found to have a cometary nature; and renamed as Comet P/2003 UY275 (LINEAR).
The preliminary orbital elements of the comet  indicate a perihelion passage on the 8th Septmber, 2010, at a distance of 1.8 AU from the Sun, and a 7.2 year orbital period.

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