Asteroid UG89 2009 was discovered by the Mt. Lemmon Survey on the 22ud October 2009. Later Observations by H. Sato (RAS Observatory) and other observers revealed the that the object had a cometary appearance. The orbital elements of the comet indicate a perihelion passage on the 16th December, 2010, at a distance of approximately 3.9 AU from the Sun.
Orbital elements: 2009 UG89 Epoch 2009 Oct. 16.0 TT = JDT 2455120.5 MPC M 359.38157 (2000.0) P Q n 0.00154198 Peri. 51.58611 +0.15697828 -0.86637829 a 74.2022020 Node 320.93041 -0.96151084 -0.02446229 e 0.9414279 Incl. 131.22009 +0.22550992 +0.49878878 P 639 H 12.6 G 0.15 From 37 observations 2009 Oct. 22-25.