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Post Info TOPIC: Asteroid 2009 UK20


Posts: 131433
RE: Asteroid 2009 UK20

The 13 - 29 metre wide asteroid 2009 UK20 will make a close pass to the Earth-Moon system on the 2nd May, 2011.

See more

The Lunar Distance (LD), the distance between Earth and the Moon, equals 384,401 km, (or 0.00256 AU).



Posts: 131433


Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r     Elong.  Phase     V
2011 04 09    02 02 13.6 +00 59 57   0.07837 0.9258    14.7   164.0    33.2
2011 04 10    01 59 33.8 +00 54 38   0.07491 0.9290    13.5   165.4    33.9
2011 04 11    01 56 35.6 +00 49 12   0.07151 0.9322    12.4   166.7    34.6
2011 04 12    01 53 16.9 +00 43 38   0.06817 0.9355    11.3   167.8
2011 04 13    01 49 35.4 +00 37 57   0.06488 0.9387    10.4   168.9
2011 04 14    01 45 28.7 +00 32 08   0.06165 0.9420     9.7   169.6
2011 04 15    01 40 53.5 +00 26 11   0.05849 0.9454     9.4   170.0
2011 04 16    01 35 46.1 +00 20 06   0.05539 0.9487     9.5   169.9
2011 04 17    01 30 02.5 +00 13 53   0.05235 0.9521    10.2   169.2
2011 04 18    01 23 37.4 +00 07 32   0.04938 0.9555    11.4   168.0    34.8
2011 04 19    01 16 24.8 +00 01 02   0.04649 0.9589    13.1   166.3    33.4
2011 04 20    01 08 17.7 -00 05 38   0.04368 0.9624    15.3   164.0    32.1
2011 04 21    00 59 07.3 -00 12 28   0.04095 0.9658    17.9   161.4    30.8
2011 04 22    00 48 43.5 -00 19 29   0.03832 0.9693    20.9   158.3    29.6
2011 04 23    00 36 54.1 -00 26 42   0.03580 0.9728    24.4   154.8    28.5
2011 04 24    00 23 25.3 -00 34 09   0.03341 0.9762    28.3   150.8    27.4
2011 04 25    00 08 01.3 -00 41 50   0.03116 0.9797    32.8   146.2    26.5
2011 04 26    23 50 25.5 -00 49 43   0.02908 0.9833    37.8   141.2    25.6
2011 04 27    23 30 21.9 -00 57 42   0.02720 0.9868    43.5   135.4    24.7
2011 04 28    23 07 38.3 -01 05 38   0.02556 0.9903    49.8   129.1    23.9
2011 04 29    22 42 11.0 -01 13 15   0.02420 0.9939    56.9   122.0    23.2
2011 04 30    22 14 10.5 -01 20 11   0.02316 0.9974    64.5   114.3    22.6
2011 05 01    21 44 06.3 -01 25 58   0.02250 1.0010    72.7   106.0    22.0
2011 05 02    21 12 48.4 -01 30 15   0.02223 1.0045    81.2    97.5    21.6
2011 05 03    20 41 20.7 -01 32 49   0.02237 1.0081    89.7    89.0    21.2
2011 05 04    20 10 49.2 -01 33 42   0.02292 1.0116    98.0    80.7    20.9
2011 05 05    19 42 08.8 -01 33 13   0.02384 1.0152   105.8    72.9    20.8
2011 05 06    19 15 55.3 -01 31 47   0.02510 1.0187   113.0    65.7    20.7
2011 05 07    18 52 24.1 -01 29 52   0.02666 1.0223   119.5    59.2    20.6
2011 05 08    18 31 35.0 -01 27 49   0.02846 1.0258   125.3    53.4    20.6
2011 05 09    18 13 17.7 -01 25 56   0.03046 1.0294   130.4    48.3    20.6
2011 05 10    17 57 16.7 -01 24 23   0.03264 1.0329   134.9    43.8    20.6



Posts: 131433

The 13 - 29 metre wide asteroid 2009 UK20 will make a close pass to the Earth-Moon system on the 9th August, 2010 @ 08:18 UT.

See more

The Lunar Distance (LD), the distance between Earth and the Moon, equals 384,401 km, (or 0.00256 AU).



Posts: 131433

Asteroid 2009 UK20 has just passed the Earth.



Posts: 131433

The 13 - 29 metre wide asteroid 2009 UK20 will make a close pass (6.6 Lunar Distances, 0.0170 AU), travelling at 5.53 km/s, to the Earth-Moon system on the 12th November, 2009.

See more

The Lunar Distance (LD), the distance between Earth and the Moon, equals 384,401 km, (or 0.00256 AU).



Posts: 131433

Orbital elements:
2009 UK20 Earth MOID = 0.0058 AU
Epoch 2010 Jan. 4.0 TT = JDT 2455200.5 MPC
M 345.97719 (2000.0) P Q
n 0.90844872 Peri. 277.93026 -0.69592112 -0.71751448
a 1.0558505 Node 216.22841 +0.67692942 -0.64176899
e 0.2062847 Incl. 2.85536 +0.23970890 -0.27074993
P 1.08 H 26.5 G 0.15 U 8

MPEC 2009 - U104

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