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Post Info TOPIC: Comet C/2009 P1 (Garradd)


Posts: 131433
RE: Comet C/2009 P1 (Garradd)

Comet Garradd 


Garradd and the Globular



Posts: 131433

Comet C/2009 P1 (Garradd) will pass ¼° from the globular cluster Messier 71 (M71),  in the constellation Sagitta, on the 26-27th August, 2011.



Posts: 131433

Comet C/2009 P1 (Garradd) makes its closest approach to the Earth on the 23rd August, 2011.  (1.391 AU)



Posts: 131433

Position of Comet C/2009 P1 (Garradd) at 11:09 UT, 17th August, 2011.

Expand (6kb, 800 x 600)



Posts: 131433

Comet C/2009 P1 (Garradd) and Messier 15

Credit: Gregg Ruppel

Google earth file: Comet C2009 P1 (Garradd).kmz (Version 2, 18kb, kmz)

Comet C/2009 P1 (Garradd) will pass near the binary star Gamma Delphini, on the 14th August, 2011.

Comet C/2009 P1 (Garradd) will pass near Messier 71 (M71), a globular cluster in the constellation Sagitta, on the 27th August, 2011.



Posts: 131433

Comet C/2009 P1 (Garradd) is passing near Messier 15 (M15), a globular cluster in the constellation Pegasus.

See more



Posts: 131433


Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r     Elong.  Phase   Mag
2011 08 01    21 36 39.2 +12 15 43   1.5417  2.4547   146.8    13.1   8.8
2011 08 02    21 33 18.0 +12 35 36   1.5284  2.4452   147.4    12.9   8.8
2011 08 03    21 29 52.3 +12 55 21   1.5158  2.4358   147.9    12.8   8.8
2011 08 04    21 26 22.3 +13 14 58   1.5037  2.4264   148.3    12.7   8.7
2011 08 05    21 22 48.1 +13 34 23   1.4921  2.4170   148.7    12.6   8.7
2011 08 06    21 19 09.8 +13 53 35   1.4812  2.4077   148.9    12.6   8.7
2011 08 07    21 15 27.6 +14 12 33   1.4709  2.3983   149.1    12.6   8.6
2011 08 08    21 11 41.6 +14 31 13   1.4612  2.3890   149.1    12.6   8.6
2011 08 09    21 07 52.0 +14 49 36   1.4521  2.3797   149.1    12.6   8.6
2011 08 10    21 03 59.1 +15 07 37   1.4436  2.3703   148.9    12.8   8.5
2011 08 11    21 00 03.0 +15 25 17   1.4357  2.3611   148.7    12.9   8.5
2011 08 12    20 56 04.0 +15 42 32   1.4285  2.3518   148.3    13.1   8.5
2011 08 13    20 52 02.3 +15 59 21   1.4219  2.3425   147.8    13.3   8.5
2011 08 14    20 47 58.2 +16 15 43   1.4159  2.3333   147.3    13.6   8.4
2011 08 15    20 43 52.0 +16 31 35   1.4106  2.3241   146.6    13.9   8.4
2011 08 16    20 39 44.0 +16 46 56   1.4059  2.3149   145.8    14.2   8.4
2011 08 17    20 35 34.4 +17 01 45   1.4018  2.3057   145.0    14.6   8.4
2011 08 18    20 31 23.6 +17 16 00   1.3984  2.2965   144.1    15.0   8.3
2011 08 19    20 27 11.9 +17 29 40   1.3956  2.2874   143.1    15.4   8.3
2011 08 20    20 22 59.5 +17 42 44   1.3934  2.2782   142.1    15.8   8.3
2011 08 21    20 18 47.0 +17 55 11   1.3919  2.2691   141.0    16.3   8.3
2011 08 22    20 14 34.5 +18 07 00   1.3909  2.2601   139.8    16.8   8.3
2011 08 23    20 10 22.5 +18 18 11   1.3906  2.2510   138.6    17.3   8.2
2011 08 24    20 06 11.1 +18 28 43   1.3908  2.2420   137.4    17.8   8.2
2011 08 25    20 02 00.9 +18 38 36   1.3916  2.2329   136.1    18.3   8.2
2011 08 26    19 57 52.0 +18 47 51   1.3930  2.2239   134.8    18.8   8.2
2011 08 27    19 53 44.9 +18 56 26   1.3950  2.2150   133.4    19.3   8.2
2011 08 28    19 49 39.7 +19 04 23   1.3975  2.2060   132.1    19.9   8.2
2011 08 29    19 45 36.8 +19 11 42   1.4006  2.1971   130.7    20.4   8.2
2011 08 30    19 41 36.5 +19 18 23   1.4042  2.1882   129.3    20.9   8.1
2011 08 31    19 37 39.0 +19 24 28   1.4083  2.1793   127.9    21.4   8.1



Posts: 131433




Posts: 131433

Google earth file: Comet C2009 P1 (Garradd).kmz (18kb, kmz)


Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r     Elong.  Phase  Mag
2011 05 19    23 01 34.1 -06 43 58   3.3049  3.1712    73.6    17.8  11.6
2011 05 20    23 01 40.1 -06 33 04   3.2785  3.1614    74.5    18.0  11.6
2011 05 21    23 01 45.1 -06 22 06   3.2520  3.1517    75.3    18.1  11.5
2011 05 22    23 01 49.1 -06 11 04   3.2255  3.1419    76.2    18.2  11.5
2011 05 23    23 01 52.1 -05 59 57   3.1989  3.1321    77.1    18.4  11.5
2011 05 24    23 01 54.0 -05 48 47   3.1722  3.1223    78.0    18.5  11.5
2011 05 25    23 01 54.9 -05 37 31   3.1455  3.1126    78.9    18.6  11.4
2011 05 26    23 01 54.6 -05 26 11   3.1187  3.1028    79.7    18.7  11.4
2011 05 27    23 01 53.3 -05 14 47   3.0918  3.0930    80.6    18.9  11.4
2011 05 28    23 01 50.7 -05 03 17   3.0650  3.0832    81.5    19.0  11.3
2011 05 29    23 01 47.0 -04 51 42   3.0381  3.0734    82.4    19.1  11.3
2011 05 30    23 01 42.1 -04 40 02   3.0111  3.0637    83.3    19.2  11.3
2011 05 31    23 01 35.8 -04 28 17   2.9842  3.0539    84.2    19.3  11.2
2011 06 01    23 01 28.3 -04 16 26   2.9572  3.0441    85.2    19.4  11.2
2011 06 02    23 01 19.4 -04 04 30   2.9301  3.0343    86.1    19.5  11.2
2011 06 03    23 01 09.1 -03 52 28   2.9031  3.0246    87.0    19.6  11.1
2011 06 04    23 00 57.5 -03 40 20   2.8761  3.0148    87.9    19.6  11.1
2011 06 05    23 00 44.3 -03 28 06   2.8491  3.0050    88.8    19.7  11.1
2011 06 06    23 00 29.7 -03 15 45   2.8220  2.9953    89.8    19.8  11.0
2011 06 07    23 00 13.5 -03 03 18   2.7950  2.9855    90.7    19.9  11.0
2011 06 08    22 59 55.8 -02 50 45   2.7680  2.9757    91.7    19.9  10.9
2011 06 09    22 59 36.4 -02 38 04   2.7410  2.9659    92.6    20.0  10.9
2011 06 10    22 59 15.4 -02 25 17   2.7140  2.9562    93.6    20.0  10.9
2011 06 11    22 58 52.6 -02 12 22   2.6871  2.9464    94.5    20.1  10.8
2011 06 12    22 58 28.1 -01 59 20   2.6602  2.9367    95.5    20.1  10.8
2011 06 13    22 58 01.8 -01 46 10   2.6334  2.9269    96.4    20.2  10.8
2011 06 14    22 57 33.6 -01 32 53   2.6066  2.9171    97.4    20.2  10.7
2011 06 15    22 57 03.6 -01 19 27   2.5799  2.9074    98.4    20.2  10.7
2011 06 16    22 56 31.5 -01 05 53   2.5532  2.8976    99.4    20.2  10.7
2011 06 17    22 55 57.5 -00 52 11   2.5266  2.8879   100.4    20.2  10.6
2011 06 18    22 55 21.4 -00 38 20   2.5000  2.8781   101.4    20.2  10.6
2011 06 19    22 54 43.1 -00 24 20   2.4736  2.8684   102.4    20.2  10.5
2011 06 20    22 54 02.7 -00 10 12   2.4472  2.8586   103.4    20.2  10.5
2011 06 21    22 53 20.0 +00 04 06   2.4209  2.8489   104.4    20.2  10.5
2011 06 22    22 52 35.0 +00 18 34   2.3948  2.8392   105.4    20.2  10.4
2011 06 23    22 51 47.6 +00 33 11   2.3687  2.8294   106.4    20.2  10.4
2011 06 24    22 50 57.8 +00 47 58   2.3428  2.8197   107.5    20.1  10.4
2011 06 25    22 50 05.4 +01 02 55   2.3170  2.8100   108.5    20.1  10.3
2011 06 26    22 49 10.4 +01 18 02   2.2913  2.8003   109.5    20.0  10.3
2011 06 27    22 48 12.8 +01 33 19   2.2658  2.7905   110.6    19.9  10.2
2011 06 28    22 47 12.4 +01 48 47   2.2404  2.7808   111.6    19.9  10.2
2011 06 29    22 46 09.2 +02 04 26   2.2151  2.7711   112.7    19.8  10.2
2011 06 30    22 45 03.1 +02 20 15   2.1901  2.7614   113.8    19.7  10.1

2012 02 10    17 03 34.2 +48 02 37   1.4329  1.6863    86.3    35.7   7.1
2012 02 11    17 01 24.8 +48 52 31   1.4211  1.6917    87.3    35.6   7.0
2012 02 12    16 59 05.5 +49 43 20   1.4096  1.6971    88.3    35.5   7.0
2012 02 13    16 56 35.4 +50 35 01   1.3983  1.7027    89.4    35.4   7.0
2012 02 14    16 53 53.7 +51 27 34   1.3874  1.7083    90.4    35.3   7.0
2012 02 15    16 50 59.2 +52 20 54   1.3767  1.7140    91.4    35.2   7.0
2012 02 16    16 47 50.8 +53 14 59   1.3665  1.7198    92.4    35.0   7.0
2012 02 17    16 44 27.3 +54 09 43   1.3566  1.7256    93.5    34.9   7.0
2012 02 18    16 40 47.3 +55 05 02   1.3471  1.7316    94.5    34.7   7.0
2012 02 19    16 36 49.3 +56 00 50   1.3380  1.7376    95.5    34.5   7.0
2012 02 20    16 32 31.6 +56 56 59   1.3294  1.7437    96.5    34.3   7.0
2012 02 21    16 27 52.4 +57 53 23   1.3212  1.7499    97.4    34.1   7.0
2012 02 22    16 22 49.6 +58 49 52   1.3135  1.7561    98.4    33.9   7.0
2012 02 23    16 17 21.2 +59 46 16   1.3063  1.7624    99.4    33.6   7.0
2012 02 24    16 11 24.8 +60 42 22   1.2996  1.7688   100.3    33.4   7.0
2012 02 25    16 04 57.8 +61 37 59   1.2935  1.7753   101.2    33.1   7.1

Comet C/2009 P1 (Garradd) makes its closest approach to the Earth on the 23rd August, 2011. (1.391 AU)
Comet C/2009 P1 (Garradd) is at Perihelion  on the 23rd December, 2011. (1.551 AU)
Comet C/2009 P1 (Garradd) makes its closest approach to the Earth on the 5th March, 2012. (1.266 AU)



Posts: 131433

Orbital elements:
C/2009 P1 (Garradd)
Epoch 2011 Dec. 25.0 TT = JDT 2455920.5
T 2011 Dec. 23.66318 TT MPC
q 1.5505203 (2000.0) P Q
z -0.0007071 Peri. 90.74615 -0.16659237 -0.82691487
+/-0.0000038 Node 325.99760 -0.58721136 +0.52077231
e 1.0010964 Incl. 106.17763 +0.79210467 +0.21215088
From 258 observations 2009 Aug. 13-2010 Nov. 20

MPEC 2010 - W25

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