By analysing the COSMOS survey – the largest ever survey undertaken with Hubble – an international team of scientists has assembled a three-dimensional map that offers a first look at the web-like large-scale distribution of dark matter in the Universe. This historic achievement, one of the most important results in cosmology, accurately confirms standard theories of structure formation.
Credits: NASA, ESA and R. Massey (California Institute of Technology)
Astronomers have mapped the cosmic "scaffold" of dark matter upon which stars and galaxies are assembled. Dark matter does not reflect or emit detectable light, yet it accounts for most of the mass in the Universe. The study, published in Nature journal, provides the best evidence yet that the distribution of galaxies follows the distribution of dark matter. This is because dark matter attracts "ordinary" matter through its gravitational pull. Scientists presented details of their research during a news conference here at the 209th meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS) in Seattle, Washington.
Title: Status of direct searches for WIMP dark matter Authors: Richard W. Schnee
Astrophysical observations indicate that about 23% of the energy density of the universe is in the form of non-baryonic particles beyond the standard model of particle physics. One exciting and well motivated candidate is the lightest supersymmetric partner particle (LSP), which could be a weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP) left over from the Big Bang. To determine that the LSP is the dark matter, it is necessary both to measure the particle's properties at an accelerator and to detect the particle in the galaxy directly (or indirectly). Direct detection of these particles requires sophisticated detectors to defeat much higher-rate backgrounds due to radioactivity and other sources. Promising techniques identify individual interactions in shielded fiducial volumes and distinguish nuclear-recoil signal events from electron-recoil backgrounds, based on the timing, energy density, and/or the division of the energy into signals of ionisation, scintillation, or phonons. I review the techniques of the dozens of experiments searching for WIMPs and summarise the most interesting results and prospects for detection.
Very High Frequency Radiation makes Dark Matter Visible Max Planck researcher from Garching prove that giant radio telescope can deliver high-resolution images showing the cosmic mass distribution The stars and gas which are seen in galaxies account for only a few percent of the gravitating material in the Universe. Most of the rest has remained stubbornly invisible and is now thought to be made of a new form of matter never yet seen on Earth. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics have discovered, however, that a sufficiently big radio telescope could make a picture of everything that gravitates, rivalling the images made by optical telescopes of everything that shines. As light travels to us from distant objects its path is bent slightly by the gravitational effects of the things it passes. This effect was first observed in 1919 for the light of distant stars passing close to the surface of the Sun, proving Einstein's theory of gravity to be a better description of reality than Newton's. The bending causes a detectable distortion of the images of distant galaxies analogous to the distortion of a distant scene viewed through a poor window-pane or reflected in a rippled lake. The strength of the distortion can be used to measure the strength of the gravity of the foreground objects and hence their mass. If distortion measurements are available for a sufficiently large number of distant galaxies, these can be combined to make a map of the entire foreground mass.
This technique has already produced precise measurements of the typical mass associated with foreground galaxies, as well as mass maps for a number of individual galaxy clusters. It nevertheless suffers from some fundamental limitations. Even a big telescope in space can only see a limited number of background galaxies, a maximum of about 100,000 in each patch of sky the size of the Full Moon. Measurements of about 200 galaxies must be averaged together to detect the gravitational distortion signal, so the smallest area for which the mass can be imaged is about 0.2% that of the Full Moon. The resulting images are unacceptably blurred and are too grainy for many purposes. For example, only the very largest lumps of matter (the biggest clusters of galaxies) can be spotted in such maps with any confidence. A second problem is that many of the distant galaxies whose distortion is measured lie in front of many of the mass lumps which one would like to map, and so are unaffected by their gravity. To make a sharp image of the mass in a given direction requires more distant sources and requires many more of them. MPA scientists Ben Metcalf and Simon White have shown that radio emission coming to us from the epoch before the galaxies had formed can provide such sources.
The axion is an exotic subatomic particle postulated by Peccei-Quinn theory to resolve the strong-CP problem in quantum chromodynamics (QCD). In late 2006, Piyare Jain and Gurmukh Singh claimed the discovery of an unexpectedly high mass (6-20 MeV), very short lived (10-13 s) particle that may be the sought after axion (Jain and Singh, 2007). The name was introduced by Frank Wilczek, co-writer of the first paper to predict the axion, after a brand of detergent - because the problem with QCD had been "cleaned up" .
After decades of intensive effort by both experimental and theoretical physicists worldwide, a tiny particle with no charge, a very low mass and a lifetime much shorter than a nanosecond, dubbed the "axion," has now been detected by the University at Buffalo physicist who first suggested its existence in a little-read paper as early as 1974. The finding caps nearly three decades of research both by Piyare Jain, Ph.D., UB professor emeritus in the Department of Physics and lead investigator on the research, who works independently -- an anomaly in the field -- and by large groups of well-funded physicists who have, for three decades, unsuccessfully sought the recreation and detection of axions in the laboratory, using high-energy particle accelerators.
Title: Search for new particles decaying into electron pairs of mass below 100 MeV/c² Authors: P L Jain, G Singh
We report results on 1220 electron pairs produced from a 207Pb beam at 160 A GeV in nuclear emulsion with invariant mass Q ranging between 1 and 100 MeV and lifetime τ between 10^-15 s and 10^-12 s. These electron pairs were produced at a distance of more than 50 µm from the primary interactions—this distance eliminates contamination due to Dalitz pairs. After subtracting the background pairs from the materialization of photons and also due to the decay of π0 → 2γ from the data, they exhibit enhancement at low mass Q = 6–20 MeV with narrow peaks at 7 ± 1 MeV, 19 ± 1 MeV and τ < 10^-13 s.
Title: Precise constraints on the dark matter content of Milky Way dwarf galaxies for gamma-ray experiments Authors: Louis E. Strigari (1), Savvas M. Koushiappas (2), James S. Bullock (1), Manoj Kaplinghat (1) ((1) UC-Irvine, (2) LANL)
We examine the prospects for detecting gamma-rays from dark matter annihilation in the six most promising dwarf spheroidal (dSph) satellite galaxies of the Milky Way. We use recently-measured velocity dispersion profiles to provide a systematic investigation of the dark matter mass distribution of each galaxy, and show that the uncertainty in the gamma-ray flux from mass modelling is less than a factor of ~ 5 for each dSph if we assume a smooth NFW profile. We show that Ursa Minor and Draco are the most promising dSphs for gamma-ray detection with GLAST and other planned observatories. For each dSph, we investigate the flux enhancement resulting from halo substructure, and show that the enhancement factor relative to a smooth halo flux cannot be greater than about 100. This enhancement depends very weakly on the lower mass cut-off scale of the substructure mass function. While the amplitude of the expected flux from each dSph depends sensitively on the dark matter model, we show that the flux ratios between the six Sphs are known to within a factor of about 10. The flux ratios are also relatively insensitive to the current theoretical range of cold dark matter halo central slopes and substructure fractions.
Scientists don't know what dark matter is, but they know it's all over the universe. Everything humans observe in the heavens—galaxies, stars, planets and the rest—makes up only 4 percent of the universe, scientists say. The remaining 96 percent is composed of dark matter and its even more mysterious sibling, dark energy. Scientists recently found direct evidence that dark matter exists by studying a distant galaxy cluster and observing different types of motion in luminous versus dark matter. Still, no one knows what dark matter is made of. Now, a pioneering international project co-led by Stanford physicist Blas Cabrera may finally crack the case and pin down the elusive particles that form dark matter.
"It's harder and harder to get away from the fact that there is a substance out there that's making up most of the universe that we can't see. The stars and galaxies themselves are like Christmas tree lights on this huge ship that's dark and neither absorbs nor emits light" - Blas Cabrera.
Buried deep underground in a mineshaft in Minnesota lies Cabrera's project, called the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search II (CDMS II). University of California-Berkeley physicist Bernard Sadoulet serves as spokesperson for the effort. Fermilab's Dan Bauer is its project manager, and Dan Akerib from Case Western Reserve University is the deputy project manager. A team of 46 scientists at 13 institutions collaborates on the project.
An intriguing particle first glimpsed last year, which could be related to particles that make up the universe's dark matter, might help us see right through the sun. The particle in question is the axion. It was originally proposed to fix a problem with the strong force in particle physics, but has more recently been considered as a candidate for dark matter, the mysterious, unseen stuff thought to make up nearly 90 per cent of galaxies' mass. Last year an experiment at the Legnaro National Laboratory in Legnaro, Italy, provided tantalising hints of an axion, but it interacted too strongly with matter to be a good fit for dark matter.
Title: Shining light through the Sun Authors: Malcolm Fairbairn, Timur Rashba, Sergey Troitsky
It is shown that the Sun can become partially transparent to high energy photons in the presence of a pseudo-scalar. In particular, if the axion interpretation of the PVLAS result were true then up to 2% of GeV energy gamma rays might pass through the Sun, while an even stronger effect is expected for some axion parameters. We discuss the possibilities of observing this effect. Present data are limited to the observation of the solar occultation of 3C279 by EGRET in 1991; 98% C.L. detection of a non-zero flux of gamma rays passing through the Sun is not yet conclusive. Future experiments, e.g. GLAST, are expected to have better sensitivity.