Title: Secular light curves of 25 members of the Themis family of asteroids, suspected of exhibiting low level cometary activity Author: I. Ferrin, M. Perez, J. Rendon
From 1996 to 2015 sixteen main belt asteroids were discovered exhibiting cometary activity (less than one per year), all of them during searches at the telescope. In this work we will explore another way to discover them. We reduced 192016 magnitude observations of 165 asteroids of the Themis family, using data from the astrometric-photometric database of the Minor Planet Center, MPCOBS, and measuring the absolute magnitudes from the phase plots. 25 objects of 165 (15.2%), exhibited bumps or enhancements in brightness that might indicate low level cometary activity. Since activity repeats at the same place in different orbits and in many occasions is centered at perihelion, activity might be due to water ice sublimation. As of September 2016, there are 717768 asteroids listed in the MPC files. If we assume that we do not have any false positives and the above percentage can be extrapolated to the whole Main Belt, the number of potentially active asteroid gets to the very large number of ~111.000. This number is much larger than the ones predicted in previous surveys and indicates one of three scenarios: A) there are many false positives in our detections and the real number of active asteroid is much smaller than we found, implying that the MPC astrometric-photometric database is only astrometric and not photometric. B) The location of active asteroids is restricted to the Themis family and an extrapolation to the whole belt is not possible. Or C) there are few false positives in our candidates and the main belt actually contains many low level active asteroids undetected by current surveys. Case C) would imply that the main belt is not a field of bare rocks but a graveyard of extinct comets, changing our current paradigm of the main belt. So it is of the outmost importance to verify observationally our candidates, and determine which of these scenarios is valid.
Title: Limits to Ice on Asteroids (24) Themis and (65) Cybele Authors: D. Jewitt, A. Guilbert-Lepoutre
We present optical spectra of (24) Themis and (65) Cybele, two large main-belt asteroids on which exposed water ice has recently been reported. No emission lines, expected from resonance fluorescence in gas sublimated from the ice, were detected. Derived limits to the production rates of water are < 400 kg/s (5{\sigma}), for each object, assuming a cometary H2O/CN ratio. We rule out models in which a large fraction of the surface is occupied by high albedo ("fresh") water ice because the measured albedos of Themis and Cybele are low (0.05 - 0.07). We also rule out models in which a large fraction of the surface is occupied by low albedo ("dirty") water ice because dirty ice would be warm, and would sublimate strongly enough for gaseous products to have been detected. If ice exists on these bodies it must be relatively clean (albedo >0.3) and confined to a fraction of the Earth-facing surface <10%. By analogy with impacted asteroid (596) Scheila, we propose an impact excavation scenario, in which 10 m scale projectiles have exposed buried ice. If the ice is even more reflective (albedo >0.6) then the timescale for sublimation of an optically thick layer can rival the 10^3 yr interval between impacts with bodies this size. In this sense, exposure by impact may be a quasi steady-state feature of ice-containing asteroids at 3 AU.
Scientists have detected water-ice on the surface of an asteroid. The first-time observation was made on 24 Themis, a huge rock that orbits almost 480 million km out from the Sun. The researchers say that ice is not stable in such circumstances and has to be being replenished by some means - perhaps from inside the object. Read more
Asteroid ice hints at rocky start to life on Earth
A slushy cócktail of water-ice and organic materials has been directly detected on the surface of an asteroid for the first time. The finding strengthens the theory that asteroids delivered the ingredients for Earth's oceans and life, and could make astronomers rethink conventional models for how the Solar System evolved. Read more
Two independent teams have found what may be the first direct evidence of water ice on the surface of an asteroid. The discovery lends support to the idea that asteroids could have helped deliver water to the early Earth. Read more