X-ray transient X-ray emission occurs from many celestial objects. These emissions can have a pattern, occur intermittently, or as a transient astronomical event.
AM Arp and Madore ARAK Arakelian Catalogue of Galaxies Arp Arp's Catalogue of Peculiar Galaxies DCL Dickens, Currie, Lucey DRCG Dressler Catalogue of Galaxy Clusters ESO European Southern Observatory HCG Hickson Galaxy Group IC Index Catalogue of Nebulae and Star Clusters IRAS Infrared Astronomical Satellite M Messier Catalogue of Nebulae and Star Clusters MCG Morphological Catalogue of Galaxies NGC New General Catalogue PGC Catalogue of Principal Galaxies RB Rood, Baum (Abell galaxies) UGC Uppsala Galaxy Catalogue ZWG Zwicky's Catalogue of Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies
\o/ - Hands up in praise or joy AAMOF - as a matter of fact AAS - American Astronautical Society ACS - Attitude Control System AF - Air Force AFAIK - as far as I know AGB - Asymptotic Giant Branch AGE - Auxiliary Ground Equipment AGN - Active Galactic Nucleus AGU - American Geophysical Union AIAA - American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics AIPS - Astronomical Image Processing System AIRS - Atmospheric Infrared Sounder ALSEP - Apollo Lunar Surface Experiment Package APOD - Astronomy Picture of the Day AU - astronomical unit BB - Big Bang BBT - Big Bang Theory BH - black hole BIS - British Interplanetary Society BTW - by the way c - speed of light in a vacuum CCD Charge-Coupled Device CEO - close Earth orbit CETI - Communication with Extraterrestrial Intelligence CM - Command Module CSM - Command/Service Module CT - Conspiracy Theories/conspiracy theorist Dec - Declination DoD - Department of Defence E - Elliptical (for galaxies) EAFB - Edwards Air Force Base EDL - entry, descent, and landing ESA - European Space Agency EVA - extravehicular activity FWIW - for what it's worth G - universal gravitational constant g - acceleration due to gravity at the Earth's surface GEO - Geosynchronous Earth Orbit GMT - Greenwich Mean Time GO - geostationary orbit GR - General Relativity GRB - Gamma Ray Burst GRS - Great Red Spot GSO - geosynchronous orbit GTR - General Theory of Relativity GUT - grand unified theory HEO - highly elliptical orbit IAU - International Astronomical Union ICBM - intercontinental ballistic missile ID - intelligent design IIRC - if I remember/recall correctly IMHO - in my humble opinion IMO - in my opinion IR - infrared ISS - International Space Station JPL - Jet Propulsion Laboratory JSC - Johnson Space Centre KSC - Kennedy Space Centre LEO - low Earth orbit LLRE - Lunar Laser Ranging Experiment LRRR - Lunar Ranging Retro-Reflector LM - Lunar Module LMC - Large Magellanic Cloud LOX - Liquid OXygen LRV - Lunar Roving Vehicle MECO - Main Engine CutOff MEO - medium Earth orbit MMU - manned manoeuvring unit MoD - Ministry of Defence MOND - Modified Newtonian Dynamics MSFC - Marshall Space Flight Centre NASA - National Air and Space Administration NORAD - North American Air Defence Command OMS - Orbital Manoeuvring System OP - Original Post (also Original Poster) OTOH - on the other hand PAO - Public Affairs Officer Q&A - Questions and Answers QSO - Quasi-Stellar Object RA - Right Ascension RAF - Royal Air Force RLV - reusable launch vehicle SECO - Sustainer Engine Cutoff SETI - Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence SM - service module SOHO - SOlar Heliospheric Observatory SR - Special Relativity STR - Special Theory of Relativity STS - Shuttle Transport System TOE - theory of everything UFO - unidentified flying object USAF - United States Air Force UT - Universal Time UV - ultraviolet VAB - Vehicle Assembly Building (formerly Vertical Assembly Building) VAFB - Vandenberg Air Force Base VHF - Very High Frequency VLA - Very Large Array VLBA - Very Long Baseline Array VLBI: - Very Long Baseline Interferometry VLF - Very Low Frequency VLT - Very Large Telescope WD - White Dwarf ZHR - Zenith Hourly Rate
I have created a small astronomy glossary that will explain some basic astronomical terms. It is intended for quick reference for the beginner. Scroll down the list or click on the Alphabetical letters at the top....