Asteroid (59) Elpis
Asteroid (59) Elpis is at Opposition on the 30th September, 2012. Magnitude: 10.8 Distance to Earth: 1.402 Distance to Sun center: 2.401 AU Finder chart for asteroid (59) Elpis.
Asteroid (335) Roberta
Asteroid (335) Roberta is at Opposition on the 26th May, 2012 Magnitude: 11.2 Distance to Earth: 1.121 AU Distance to Sun center: 2.126 AU EphemerisDate UT R.A. (J2000) Decl. Delta r El. Ph. V
2012 05 25 000000 16 23 26.2 -11 50 07 1.124 2.129 170.2 4.7 11.3
2012 05 26 000000 16 22 31.5 -11 47 44 1.122 2...
Asteroid (236) Honoria
Asteroid (236) Honoria is at Opposition on the 20th September, 2012. Magnitude: 10.7 Distance to Earth: 1.272 AU Distance to Sun center: 2.276 AU
Asteroid 2012 TC4
Orbital elements:
2012 TC4 Earth MOID = 0.0001 AU
Epoch 2012 Sept. 30.0 TT = JDT 2456200.5 MPC
M 322.00810 (2000.0) P Q
n 0.67724540 Peri. 233.68736 +0.30233884 -0.95316785
a 1.2842178 Node 198.71920 +0.88223745 +0.28295573
e 0.2940961 Incl. 1.40910 +0.36089930 +0.10680409
P 1.46 H 26.6...
Near-Earth Asteroids
Title: Spectral and Spin Measurement of Two Small and Fast-Rotating Near-Earth Asteroids Authors: D. Polishook, R. P. Binzel, M. Lockhart, F. E. DeMeo, W. Golisch, S. J. Bus, A. A. S. Gulbis In May 2012 two asteroids made near-miss "grazing" passes at distances of a few Earth-radii: 201...
Asteroid 2012 DR32
Orbital elements:
2012 DR32 Earth MOID = 0.0057 AU
Epoch 2012 Mar. 14.0 TT = JDT 2456000.5 MPC
M 294.41051 (2000.0) P Q
n 1.18336044 Peri. 312.07301 +0.40391603 +0.90975953
a 0.8852339 Node 341.07814 -0.72752010 +0.25593029
e 0.4852115 Incl. 17.19441 -0.55458664 +0.32685972
P 0.83 H 24....
Asteroid (226514) 2003 UX34
The 260 - 590 metre wide asteroid 2003 UX34 will make a close pass (73.2 lunar distances, 0.1882 AU), travelling at 25.74 km/second, to the Earth-Moon system on the 14th September, 2012 @ 16:24 UT ±00:01. See more The Lunar Distance (LD), the distance between Earth and the Moon, equals 384,401 km, (o...
Asteroid 323 Brucia
Asteroid 323 Brucia was the first asteroid to be discovered by the use of astrophotography in 1891 Read more
Asteroid (79) Eurynome
Asteroid (79) Eurynome is at Opposition on the 25th September, 2012. Magnitude: 9.9 Distance to Earth: 1.073 AU Distance to Sun center: 2.075 AUSpoiler
Asteroid 1992 ME
Asteroid 19204 Joshuatree was discovered on the 2nd June 1992 by J. E. Mueller at Palomar. Joshua Tree National Park was founded in 1936 as Joshua Tree National Monument largely through the efforts of Minerva Hoyt (1866-1945). It became a national park in 1994. It is known for the Joshua Tree (Yucca b...
Asteroid (487) Venetia
Asteroid 487 Venetia (1902 JL) is a type S asteroid (Tholen, 1989). It has a diameter of 64.2km ±3.1km and albedo of 0.2457 with an absolute magnitude of 8.21V. The asteroid was discovered by Luigi Carnera on the 9th July, 1902. CCD observations in V of the asteroid 487 Venetia were made at the NF/ Obser...
Asteroid (185) Eunike
EphemerisDate UT R.A. (J2000) Decl. Delta r El. Ph. Mag
2012 11 23 000000 04 30 13.7 -15 54 54 1.604 2.464 142.7 14.0 11.4
2012 11 24 000000 04 29 21.4 -15 57 12 1.605 2.465 142.8 14.0 11.4
2012 11 25 000000 04 28 28.8 -15 59 08 1.606 2.466 142.8 14.0 11.4
2012 11 26 000000 04 27 36.1 -16 00 41 1.608 2.467 142.7...
Asteroid (97) Klotho
Asteroid (97) Klotho is at Opposition on the 22nd March, 2012. Magnitude: 11.4 Distance to Earth:1.802 AU Distance to Sun: 2.794 AU
Asteroid 2012 DK31
Orbital elements:
2012 DK31 PHA, Earth MOID = 0.0256 AU
Epoch 2012 Mar. 14.0 TT = JDT 2456000.5 MPC
M 262.28833 (2000.0) P Q
n 1.70745271 Peri. 149.18124 +0.70321068 +0.70927132
a 0.6932719 Node 165.30471 -0.68548120 +0.69475657
e 0.5777138 Incl. 11.20259 -0.18870683 +0.11936291
P 0.58...
Asteroid 2012 NN
Orbital elements:
2012 NN PHA, Earth MOID = 0.0279 AU
Epoch 2012 Sept. 30.0 TT = JDT 2456200.5 MPC
M 26.94312 (2000.0) P Q
n 0.23658438 Peri. 6.39985 -0.43999121 +0.89540856
a 2.5890792 Node 237.51647 -0.82744407 -0.43375818
e 0.6296323 Incl. 4.63738 -0.34891840 -0.10048555
P 4.17 H 20.8...