NGC 6130
NGC 6130 (also IRAS 16185+5743, MCG 10-23-66, UGC 10347 and PGC 57828) is a magnitude +13.5 barred spiral galaxy located 236 million light-years away in the constellation Draco. The galaxy was discovered by American astronomer Lewis Swift using a 40.64 cm (16 inch) refractor on the 28th July 1886....
NGC 2636
NGC 2636 (also UGC 4583 and PGC 24747) is a magnitude +13.7 elliptical galaxy located 95 million light-years away in the constellation Camelopardalis. The galaxy was discovered by German astronomer Wilhelm Tempel using a 27.94 cm (11 inch) f/19 refracting telescope at the Arcetri Observatory on...
NGC 2646
NGC 2646 (also MCG 12-9-19, UGC 4604 and PGC 24838) is a magnitude +12.1 spiral galaxy located 169 million light-years away in the constellation Camelopardalis. The galaxy was discovered by German astronomer Wilhelm Tempel using a 27.94 cm (11 inch) f/19 refracting telescope at the Arcetri Obser...
NGC 6504
NGC 6504 (also MCG 6-39-27, UGC 11053 and PGC 61129) is a magnitude +12.6 spiral galaxy located 220 million light-years away in the constellation Hercules. The galaxy was discovered by German astronomer Albert Marth using a 1.2m (48 inch) Newtonian reflector at William Lassell's Tigné Point obse...
NGC 6549
NGC 6549 (also NGC 6550, MCG 3-46-12, UGC 11114 and PGC 61399) is a magnitude +13.8 spiral galaxy located 308 million light-years away in the constellation Hercules. The galaxy was discovered by German astronomer Albert Marth using a 1.2m (48 inch) Newtonian reflector at William Lassell's Tigné P...
NGC 6081
NGC 6081 (also IC 1202, MCG 2-41-19, UGC 10272 and PGC 57506) is a magnitude +13.5 spiral galaxy located 238 million light-years away in the constellation of Hercules. The galaxy was discovered by French astronomer Edouard Jean-Marie Stephan using a 80.01 cm (31.5 inch) Foucault reflector (silv...
NGC 6212
NGC 6212 (also MCG 7-34-142 and PGC 58840) is a magnitude +14.2 compact galaxy located 417 million light-years away in the constellation of Hercules. NGC 6212 has a type-1 Seyfert nucleus. The galaxy was discovered by French astronomer Edouard Jean-Marie Stephan using a 80.01 cm (31.5 inch) Fouc...
NGC 7300
NGC 7300 (also MCG -2-57-11 and PGC 69040) is a magnitude +12.9 barred spiral galaxy located 224 million light-years away in the constellation Aquarius. The galaxy was discovered by British astronomer John Herschel using a 47.5 cm (18.7 inch) f/13 speculum reflecting telescope at Slough, Englan...
NGC 7330
NGC 7330 (also MCG 6-49-46, UGC 12111 and PGC 69314) is a magnitude +12.2 elliptical galaxy located 244 million light-years away in the constellation of Lacerta. The galaxy was discovered by French astronomer Edouard Jean-Marie Stephan using a 80.01 cm (31.5 inch) Foucault reflector (silvered...
NGC 6138
NGC 6138 (also NGC 6363, MCG 7-36-5, UGC 10827 and PGC 60164) is a magnitude 13.3 elliptical galaxy located 410 million light-years away in the constellation Hercules. The galaxy was discovered by French astronomer Edouard Stephan using a 80.01 cm (31.5 inch) reflecting telescope at the Marseil...
NGC 6887
NGC 6887 (also IRAS 20135-5257, ESO 186-27 and PGC 64427) is a magnitude +12.1 spiral galaxy located 124 million light-years away in the constellation Telescopium. The galaxy was discovered by British astronomer John Herschel using a 47.5 cm (18.7 inch) f/13 speculum reflecting telescope at the...
NGC 6899
NGC 6899 (also IRAS 20207-5035, ESO 234-22 and PGC 64630) is a magnitude +12.8 spiral galaxy located 263 million light-years away in the constellation Telescopium. The galaxy was discovered by British astronomer John Herschel using a 47.5 cm (18.7 inch) f/13 speculum reflecting telescope at the...
NGC 6915
NGC 6915 (also IRAS 20251-0314 and PGC 64729) is a magnitude +12.2 spiral galaxy located 260 million light-years away in the constellation Aquila. The galaxy was discovered by German astronomer Albert Marth using a 121.92 cm (48 inch) reflector in Malta on the 24th July 1863. Right Ascension 20h 27...
NGC 6922
NGC 6922 (also IRAS 20272-0221, MCG 0-52-18, UGC 11574 and PGC 64814) is a magnitude +13.5 spiral galaxy located 260 million light-years away in the constellation Aquila. The galaxy was discovered by German astronomer Albert Marth using a 121.92 cm (48 inch) reflector in Malta on the 24th July 1863...
NGC 6948
NGC 6948 (also IRAS 20397-5332, ESO 187-9 and PGC 65256) is a magnitude +12.8 spiral galaxy located 149 million light-years away in the constellation Indus. The galaxy was discovered by British astronomer John Herschel using a 47.5 cm (18.7 inch) f/13 speculum reflecting telescope at the Cape of G...