"The Menagerie" is a two-part episode of the science fiction television series Star Trek. It consists of episodes 11 and 12 (production #16) of the show's first season, and is the only two-part story in the original series. Part one of the episode was broadcast on November 17, 1966, and the second part was broadcast on November 24, 1966. NBC repeated the two shows on May 18 and 25, 1967. Read more
"The Corbomite Maneuver" is a first season episode of the science fiction television series Star Trek, first aired November 10, 1966, and repeated May 11, 1967. It is episode No. 10, production No. 3, the first regular episode of Star Trek produced after the two pilots, although it was aired later in the season. Read more
"Metamorphosis" is a second season episode of the original science fiction television series Star Trek first broadcast November 10, 1967 and repeated July 19, 1968. Read more
"For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky" is the eighth episode of the third season of the original science fiction television series Star Trek. It was aired by NBC on November 8, 1968 and was written by Rik Vollaerts, and directed by Tony Leader. Read more
"Dagger of the Mind" is a first season episode of the science fiction television series Star Trek. It is episode #9, production #11 and was broadcast November 3, 1966. It was written by Shimon Wincelberg under the pen name "S. Bar-David," and directed by Vincent McEveety. The title is taken from a soliloquy by the title character in William Shakespeare's play Macbeth. Read more
"I, Mudd" is a second season episode of the original science fiction television series Star Trek first broadcast November 3, 1967 on NBC, and repeated April 5, 1968. Read more
"Day of the Dove" is the seventh episode of the third season of the original science fiction television series Star Trek, first broadcast November 1, 1968 and repeated June 17, 1969. Read more
"Miri" is the eighth episode of the first season of the science fiction television series Star Trek, that was first broadcast October 27, 1966, and repeated June 29, 1967. It was written by Adrian Spies and directed by Vincent McEveety. When the episode was first screened in the United Kingdom in 1970, the BBC received a number of complaints. This prompted a review and led to the decision not to screen "Miri" again (along with 3 other episodes which at that time had not been broadcast in Britain). This decision remained in force for over 20 years. Read more
"Catspaw" is an episode of the second season of the original science fiction television series Star Trek. It is episode #36, production #30, and was first broadcast October 27, 1967 and repeated on May 24, 1968. Read more
"Spectre of the Gun" (originally titled "The Last Gunfight") is an episode from the third season of the original science fiction television series Star Trek that was first broadcast on October 25, 1968 and repeated on April 4, 1969. Read more