Next news updates at ~23:00 UT, 17th February, 2012.
Just a note to say that there may be disruption to the news updates over the next 4 weeks due to a new kitchen and bathroom being installed.
And a nasty project i'm working on.
I've added a few sub-forums for the start of the new year; Asteroids 2012, UFOs 2012, Meteors 2012 and Meteorites 2012
The forums January Calendar has been updated.
There will be reduced news updates between 24th and 26th December due to revelry and merrymaking.
The October calendar has been updated
Meteorite falls, and events, etc...
I was having network problems over the last few days resulting in reduced news coverage - The network now seems back to normal....
The forums September Calendar has been updated.
There will be disruption to this sites news updates on the 20-21st August.(But i will post some future news stories later on today, at around midnight, to cover the period).