Title: AstroStat - A VO Tool for Statistical Analysis Author: Ajit K. Kembhavi, Ashish A. Mahabal, Tejas Kale, Santosh Jagade, Ajay Vibhute, Prerak Garg, Kaustubh Vaghmare, Sharmad Navelkar, Tushar Agrawal, Deoyani Nandrekar, Mohasin Shaikh
AstroStat is an easy-to-use tool for performing statistical analysis on data. It has been designed to be compatible with Virtual Observatory (VO) standards thus enabling it to become an integral part of the currently available collection of VO tools. A user can load data in a variety of formats into AstroStat and perform various statistical tests using a menu driven interface. Behind the scenes, all analysis is done using the public domain statistical software - R and the output returned is presented in a neatly formatted form to the user. The analyses performable include exploratory tests, visualizations, distribution fitting, correlation & causation, hypothesis testing, multivariate analysis and clustering. The tool is available in two versions with identical interface and features - as a web service that can be run using any standard browser and as an offline application. AstroStat will provide an easy-to-use interface which can allow for both fetching data and performing power statistical analysis on them.