METEOR FALLS NEARBY. George McDevitt, a South Bethlehem chauffeur, was driving over Lay-ton's Crossing, between that place and Allentown on Tuesday night, when he was startled to see a fiery object shoot through the air .with a hissing sound and strike the ground a short distance back of his car. He made an investigation and found a hole in the ground where the object struck. Digging down he uncovered a meteorite about the size of a chicken egg. Source
Then He Stops and Digs Bit of Hot Metal From Earth. South Bethlehem, Pa., May 12. -- George McDevitt, a local chauffer, narrowly escaped being hit by a meteorite while out in his machine near Layton's Crossing, South Bethlehem. He was speeding along and was startled to hear a hissing sound and an instant later see a fiery object bury itself in the ground near the machine. McDevitt stopped the car and dug out the meteorite, the size of a chicken's egg and still hot. Read more (PDF)