A CZ-2D Rocket body that was launched on the 18th December, 2012, from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre, for the Gokturk-2 satellite mission is predicted to re-enter the Earths atmosphere on the 31st December, 2012 @ 07:00 GMT ± 24 hours.
CZ-2D RB 1 39031U 12073B 12364.23449027 .04254446 22062-5 15972-3 0 440 2 39031 096.5459 254.7902 0152589 315.9827 042.8964 16.15230298 1630
Period: 90 minutesInclination: 96.55° Apogee: 413 kmPerigee: 136 kmRevolution Number: 196Predicted Location: 12.2°N, 126.3°W