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Post Info TOPIC: Asteroid (214869) 2007 PA8


Posts: 131433
RE: Asteroid (214869) 2007 PA8

Nine Radar Images of Asteroid 2007 PA8


A collage shows nine radar images of near-Earth asteroid 2007 PA8 that were obtained between Oct. 31 and Nov. 13, 2012, with data collected by NASA's 70-metre Deep Space Network antenna at Goldstone, Calif. On Nov. 5 at 16:42 UTC, the object came about 6.5 million kilometres from Earth, or 17 times the distance between Earth and the moon.
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Posts: 131433

Radar Images Asteroid 2007 PA8


Scientists working with NASA's 70-metre Deep Space Network antenna at Goldstone, Calif., have obtained several radar images depicting near-Earth asteroid 2007 PA8. The images were generated from data collected at Goldstone on Oct. 28, 29 and 30, 2012. The asteroid's distance from Earth on Oct. 28 was 10 million kilometres. The asteroid's distance to Earth was 9 million kilometres on Oct. 30. The perspective in the images is analogous to seeing the asteroid from above its north pole. Each of the three images is shown at the same scale.
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Posts: 131433

The 1500 - 3300 metre wide asteroid 2007 PA8 will make a close pass (16.8 lunar distances, 0.0433 AU), travelling at 10.79 km/second, to the Earth-Moon system on the 5th November, 2012 @ 16:42 UT ±00:01. 

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The Lunar Distance (LD), the distance between Earth and the Moon, equals 384,401 km, (or 0.00256 AU).



Posts: 131433

Google earth file: Asteroid (214869) 2007 PA8.kmz (18kb, kmz)



Posts: 131433


Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r     Elong.  Phase     Mag
2012 10 30    02 59 02.8 -19 50 26   0.06028 1.0429   144.9    33.2    11.7
2012 10 31    03 17 30.2 -21 35 17   0.05607 1.0373   141.8    36.3    11.6
2012 11 01    03 39 16.8 -23 25 08   0.05229 1.0320   138.1    40.0    11.5
2012 11 02    04 04 50.2 -25 15 11   0.04904 1.0267   133.8    44.3    11.5
2012 11 03    04 34 25.2 -26 57 34   0.04643 1.0217   128.7    49.2    11.5
2012 11 04    05 07 50.3 -28 21 41   0.04456 1.0167   123.1    54.8    11.6
2012 11 05    05 44 13.3 -29 16 07   0.04351 1.0120   117.0    60.8    11.7
2012 11 06    06 21 59.8 -29 32 26   0.04333 1.0074   110.7    67.0    11.9
2012 11 07    06 59 11.7 -29 08 48   0.04404 1.0029   104.5    73.0    12.1
2012 11 08    07 34 01.7 -28 10 49   0.04558 0.9987    98.7    78.7    12.3
2012 11 09    08 05 19.7 -26 48 47   0.04786 0.9946    93.5    83.7    12.6
2012 11 10    08 32 39.3 -25 13 44   0.05079 0.9907    89.0    88.1    12.9
2012 11 11    08 56 06.5 -23 34 41   0.05425 0.9870    85.2    91.7    13.2
2012 11 12    09 16 05.3 -21 57 42   0.05814 0.9834    82.0    94.6    13.5
2012 11 13    09 33 05.4 -20 26 15   0.06239 0.9801    79.4    97.0    13.7
2012 11 14    09 47 36.3 -19 01 58   0.06691 0.9769    77.4    98.8    13.9
2012 11 15    10 00 04.1 -17 45 17   0.07166 0.9739    75.7   100.2    14.2
2012 11 16    10 10 50.6 -16 36 02   0.07658 0.9712    74.4   101.2    14.3
2012 11 17    10 20 14.0 -15 33 42   0.08165 0.9686    73.4   101.9    14.5
2012 11 18    10 28 28.7 -14 37 40   0.08684 0.9662    72.7   102.4    14.7
2012 11 19    10 35 46.5 -13 47 16   0.09211 0.9640    72.2   102.6    14.8
2012 11 20    10 42 16.8 -13 01 53   0.09746 0.9621    71.8   102.7    14.9
2012 11 21    10 48 07.4 -12 20 56   0.1029  0.9603    71.6   102.6    15.0
2012 11 22    10 53 24.3 -11 43 55   0.1083  0.9588    71.5   102.4    15.1
2012 11 23    10 58 12.6 -11 10 23   0.1138  0.9574    71.5   102.0    15.2
2012 11 24    11 02 36.6 -10 39 56   0.1193  0.9563    71.6   101.6    15.3
2012 11 25    11 06 39.5 -10 12 13   0.1249  0.9554    71.8   101.1    15.4
2012 11 26    11 10 24.2 -09 46 57   0.1304  0.9547    72.0   100.5    15.4
2012 11 27    11 13 53.2 -09 23 52   0.1360  0.9542    72.3    99.9    15.5
2012 11 28    11 17 08.3 -09 02 43   0.1415  0.9539    72.6    99.2    15.5
2012 11 29    11 20 11.2 -08 43 20   0.1471  0.9539    73.0    98.5    15.6
2012 11 30    11 23 03.3 -08 25 31   0.1526  0.9540    73.5    97.7    15.6

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