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Post Info TOPIC: LHA 115-S 18


Posts: 131433
RE: LHA 115-S 18

Title: The supergiant B[e] star LHA 115-S 18 - binary and/or luminous blue variable?
Authors: J. S. Clark, E. S. Bartlett, M. J. Coe, R. Dorda, F. Haberl, J. B. Lamb, I. Negueruela, A. Udalski

The mechanism by which supergiant (sg)B[e] stars support cool, dense dusty discs/tori and their physical relationship with other evolved, massive stars such as luminous blue variables is uncertain. In order to investigate both issues we have analysed the long term behaviour of the canonical sgB[e] star LHA 115-S 18. We employed the OGLE II-IV lightcurve to search for (a-)periodic variability and supplemented these data with new and historic spectroscopy. In contrast to historical expectations for sgB[e] stars, S18 is both photometrically and spectroscopically highly variable. The lightcurve is characterised by rapid aperiodic 'flaring' throughout the 16 years of observations. Changes in the high excitation emission line component of the spectrum imply evolution in the stellar temperature - as expected for luminous blue variables - although somewhat surprisingly, spectroscopic and photometric variability appears not to be correlated. Characterised by emission in low excitation metallic species, the cool circumstellar torus appears largely unaffected by this behaviour. Finally, in conjunction with intense, highly variable HeII emission, X-ray emission implies the presence of an unseen binary companion. S18 provides observational support for the putative physical association of (a subset of) sgB[e] stars and luminous blue variables. Given the nature of the circumstellar environment of S18 and that luminous blue variables have been suggested as SN progenitors, it is tempting to draw a parallel to the progenitors of SN1987A and the unusual transient SN2009ip. Moreover the likely binary nature of S18 strengthens the possibility that the dusty discs/tori that characterise sgB[e] stars are the result of binary-driven mass-loss; consequently such stars may provide a window on the short lived phase of mass-transfer in massive compact binaries.

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Posts: 131433

Title: Discovery of Raman-scattered lines in the massive luminous emission-line star LHA 115-S 18
Authors: A. F. Torres, M. Kraus, L. S. Cidale, R. Barbá, M. Borges Fernandes, E. Brandi

LHA 115-S 18 is a very peculiar emission-line star exhibiting the B[e] phenomenon. Located in the Small Magellanic Cloud, its spectrum shows features of an extremely wide range of excitation and ionisation stages, extending from highly ionised atomic lines (Si IV, C IV, He II) in the UV and optical regions to molecular emission bands of CO and TiO in the optical and IR regions. The most distinguishing spectral characteristic of LHA 115-S 18 is the high variability detected in the He II {\lambda}4686 emission line, which can be a very conspicuous or completely invisible feature.
In this work, we report on another peculiarity of LHA 115-S 18. From high-resolution optical spectra taken between 2000 and 2008, we discovered the appearance and strengthening of two emission features at {\lambda}6825 \AA, and {\lambda}7082 \AA,, which we identified as Raman-scattered lines. This is the first time these lines have been detected in the spectrum of a massive luminous B[e] star. As the classification of LHA 115-S 18 is highly controversial, we discuss how the discovery of the appearance of Raman-scattered lines in this peculiar star might help us to solve this puzzle.

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