Uranometria 2000.0, Vol. 2: The Southern Hemisphere to Plus 6 Degrees Read more
Uranometria 2000.0 Volume 1 - The Northern Hemisphere to Minus 6 Degrees Read more
by Wil Tirion, Barry Rappaport and Will Remaklus
Over 30,000 non-stellar objects, more than three times the number of any other atlas.
25,895 galaxies
671 galaxy clusters
1,617 open clusters, including those in the Magellanic Clouds
170 globular clusters, including both Milky Way and Magellanic Cloud objects
14 star clouds
377 bright nebulae
367 dark nebulae
1,144 planetary nebulae
260 radio sources
35 X-ray sources
280,035 stars to visual 9.75 magnitude which is about what you will see in a 50mm finder scope. Stars are continuously tapered to create a more realistic perspective.
220 double page, (18 x 12 inches) charts equally divided (with a generous overlap) between Volume 1 and 2 at a scale of 1.85 cm per degree of declination.