Orbital elements:
P/2012 O2 (McNaught)
Epoch 2012 July 12.0 TT = JDT 2456120.5
T 2012 June 25.09813 TT MPC
q 1.6609099 (2000.0) P Q
n 0.14437654 Peri. 183.04681 +0.55307218 +0.75298484
a 3.5986392 Node 120.81501 -0.75533930 +0.63376243
e 0.5384617 Incl. 24.52909 -0.35153052 -0.17708476
P 6.83
From 49 observations 2012 May 20-July 23
Comet P/2012 O2 (MCNAUGHT) was discovered on the 20th May, 2012, by R. H. McNaught (Siding Spring Survey). The preliminary orbital elements of the comet indicate a perihelion passage on the 25th June, 2012, at a distance of 1.66 AU from the Sun.