Il 10 febbraio 1853, diverse pietre caddero vicino a Girgenti, ora Agrigento, la maggior parte dei frammenti fu recuperata dal Prof. Gemmellaro di Palermo. Read more
Title: On the fall of the Girgenti meteorite and on the known specimens of this fall Author: Max H. Hey
Presents an English translation of a contemporary account of the meteoritic fall near Agrigento (Girgenti), Sicily, Italy, in 1853, and discusses the history and present location of known fragments of the meteorite.
Country: Italy State/District: Sicily Total known weight: 18kg (approx.) Date of fall: 1853, February 10 (1830hrs UT) Type: L6. Stone. Ordinary chondrite, veined, contains maskelynite Only three stones of this witnessed European fall were recovered in February 1853, with a total known weight of just 16kg. Girgenti is a veined L6 chondrite, with heavy dark black shock veins running through the light coloured matrix. Since its recovery, Girgenti has been preserved well and remains very fresh thanks to 150 years of careful curating. Source