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Post Info TOPIC: Chinasat 9


Posts: 131433
Chinasat 9 rocket body

Bright lights in the night sky sparked UFO alerts in Saudi Arabia, but the display turned out to be a well-known space phenomenon: the fiery re-entry of some Chinese space junk.
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Posts: 131433
RE: Chinasat 9

UFO sighted over Saudi Thursday night

A Saudi newspaper on Friday published a film showing what it described as an unidentified flying object (UFO) passing above the western town of Medina.
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Posts: 131433

TLE Data
1 33051U 08028A 08161.21974475 -.00000242 00000-0 00000+0 0 17
2 33051 024.0720 079.8710 7881889 178.8884 186.7783 01.56934007 09



Posts: 131433

CZ-3B Chang Zheng-3B has successfully launched the ChinaSat-9 (Zhongxing 9, ZX 9) satellite.

The rocket lifted off from pad 2 at the Xichang Satellite Launch Centre at 12:15 GMT this afternoon. Chinasat-9, also known as Zhongxing-9 and ZX-9, is a communications satellite, which will initially be used to relay coverage of the 2008 Olympic Games. The launch was conducted by the China Great Wall Industrial Corporation.
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Posts: 131433

China Great Wall Industry Corporation and China Satellite Communications Corporation have signed a cooperation contract ,on November the 9th, to launch Chinasat 9 with a Long March 3B rocket.
According to the contract, China Great Wall Industry Corporation, as the general contractor, will undertake the launch of Chinasat 9 in collaboration with China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology affiliated with China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation and China satellite launch headquarters.

It is expected that the satellite will be launched in the second half of 2007.

Chinasat 9 will adopt French Al-catel Alenia Space's SB4000 series satellite platform, which is a high-power, highly reliable TV broadcast satellite with long lifespan.
The satellite will, along with Dongfanghong (Red East) 4, build up China's live broadcast satellite system.
Long March 3B carrier rocket is China's largest in terms of Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit (GTO) capability. It can send 5,100-kg useful load into geosynchronous transfer orbit.
Till now, it has succeeded in five launches in a row.
Since October 1996, Long March serial carrier rockets have launched 46 times successfully and their high reliability has won wide recognition in the international market.

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