Title: HAT-P-34b -- HAT-P-37b: Four Transiting Planets More Massive Than Jupiter Orbiting Moderately Bright Stars Authors: G. A . Bakos (1,2), J. D. Hartman (1,2), G. Torres (2), B. Béky (2), D. W. Latham (2), L. A. Buchhave (3), Z. Csubry (1,2), G. Kovács (4), A. Bieryla (2), S. Quinn (2), T. Szklenár (2), G. A. Esquerdo (2), A. Shporer (5), R. W. Noyes (2), D. A. Fischer (6), J. A. Johnson (7), A. W. Howard (8), G. W. Marcy (8), B. Sato (9), K. Penev (1,2), M. Everett (2), D. D. Sasselov (2), R. P. Stefanik (2), J. Lázár (10), I. Papp (10), P. Sári (10) ((1) Department of Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton University, (2) Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, (3) Niels Bohr Institute, U. of Copenhagen, (4) Konkoly Observatory, (5) LCOGT, (6) Astronomy Department, Yale, (7) Caltech, Dep. of Astrophysics, (8) Department of Astronomy, UC Berkeley, (9) Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Tokyo Institute of Technology, (10) Hungarian Astronomical Association)
We report the discovery of four transiting extrasolar planets (HAT-P-34b -- HAT-P-37b) with masses ranging from 1.05 to 3.33 MJ and periods from 1.33 to 5.45 days. These planets orbit relatively bright F and G dwarf stars (from V = 10.16 to V = 13.2). Of particular interest is HAT-P-34b which is moderately massive (3.33 MJ), has a high eccentricity of e = 0.441 ±0.032 at P = 5.4526540±0.000016 d period, and shows hints of an outer component. The other three planets have properties that are typical of hot Jupiters.