The Sun enters the zodiac sign of Taurus at 16:12 UT on the 19th April, 2012.
Eyes on the Sky: Apr 16 thru Apr 22
Credit eyesontheskyDOTcom
Tonight, go out after midnight to see Saturn in the constellation Virgo. Saturn will appear brighter than usual.Read more
Tonight, go out after midnight to see Saturn in the constellation Virgo. Saturn will appear brighter than usual.
Mercury is at aphelion (distance to sun: 0.4667 AU) on the 15th April, 2012.
Saturn is at opposition (distance to earth: 8.720 AU, brightness: 0.2 mag, diameter: 18.98") on the 15th April, 2012.
Mercury, Venus and Mars, April 11 - 12, 2012
Credit Jonasdearaujo
Mars is stationary: Getting Prograde on the 14th April, 2012.