Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Moon, Mars and Sirius from Leigh park, Eastleigh
From Leigh road recreation ground (known locally as Leigh park) in Eastleigh, Hampshire on the south coast of England, a trio of sunset planets in the west, and a planet rising in the east, Mercury low down in the twilight sky, followed by Venus, the brightest celestial body in the sky apart from the sun and moon, then Jupiter, the Moon and then to Mars in the east, which is was at opposition (closest point to earth) the day before
See 5 Bright Planets in Night Sky - First Time in 8 Years
For the first time in almost a decade, sky-watchers this week will be able to see all five naked-eye planets over the course of one night for several nights in a row. The classical naked-eye planets - Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn - can be seen easily without optical aids and so have been known since ancient times. But the quintet hasn't appeared together during a single night since 2004. Read more