At about 5:00, 30th April, the thin crescent moon and Venus will rise above the eastern horizon. Mercury will follow moments later and the Mars-Jupiter pair appears after that.
Watch out for a gathering of planets in the early morning skies.
The planet Neptune will rise in the constellation Aquarius at 4:34.7 GMT, 21st April, 2011. The planet Uranus will rise in the constellation Pisces at 5:12.6 GMT. The planet Venus, at magnitude -3.9, will rise at 5:17.4 GMT. The planet Mercury, at magnitude 2.1, will rise at 5:26.5 GMT. The planet Mars, at magnitude 1.2, will rise at 5:29.4 GMT. Sunrise is at 5:42.9 GMT.
The best morning show of the year has arrived! If you're not an early-bird skygazer, now is the time to change your ways and become one. The morning lineup reads like a who's who of the solar system. The show begins with scene-stealing Venus rising around 5:45 in the east. You can't miss Venus because it practically shouts out its arrival. Simply gaze east and you'll easily spot it shining like a chromed hubcap spinning out of control. Read more