Title: Alternative Astronomical FITS imaging Authors: Eleni E. Varsaki, Nectaria A. B. Gizani, Vassilis Fotopoulos, Athanassios N. Skodras
Astronomical radio maps are presented mainly in FITS format. Astronomical Image Processing Software (AIPS) uses a set of tables attached to the output map to include all sorts of information concerning the production of the image. However this information together with information on the flux and noise of the map is lost as soon as the image of the radio source in fits or other format is extracted from AIPS. This information would have been valuable to another astronomer who just uses NED, for example, to download the map. In the current work, we show a method of data hiding inside the radio map, which can be preserved under transformations, even for example while the format of the map is changed from fits to other lossless available image formats.
Title: FITS Foreign File Encapsulation Convention Authors: Nelson Zarate, Rob Seaman, Doug Tody
This document describes a FITS convention developed by the IRAF Group (D. Tody, R. Seaman, and N. Zarate) at the National Optical Astronomical Observatory (NOAO). This convention is implemented by the fgread/fgwrite tasks in the IRAF fitsutil package. It was first used in May 1999 to encapsulate preview PNG-format graphics files into FITS files in the NOAO High Performance Pipeline System. A FITS extension of type 'FOREIGN' provides a mechanism for storing an arbitrary file or tree of files in FITS, allowing it to be restored to disk at a later time.
FITS or Flexible Image Transport System is a digital file format used to store, transmit, and manipulate scientific and other images. FITS is the most commonly used digital file format in astronomy. Read more
FITSview The FITSview family consists of viewers for astronomical images in FITS format. Viewers are available for MS-Windows, Macintosh and Unix systems and offer a wide variety of image display features . The FITSview programs are distributed free of charge by the (USA) National Radio Astronomy Observatory. Read more
FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) is the data format most widely used within astronomy for transporting, analysing, and archiving scientific data files. FITS is much more than just another image format (such as JPG or GIF) and is primarily designed to store scientific data sets consisting of multidimensional arrays (images) and 2-dimensional tables organized into rows and columns of information. Read more