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Post Info TOPIC: PSR J0737-3039A


Posts: 131433
PSR J0737-3039A/B

Title: The Double Pulsar System in its 8th anniversary
Authors: Marta Burgay

The double pulsar system J0737-3039A/B, discovered with the Parkes radio telescope in 2003, is one of the most intriguing pulsar findings of the last decade. This binary system, with an orbital period of only 2.4-hr and with the simultaneous presence of two radio pulsed signals, provides a truly unique laboratory for relativistic gravity and plasma physics. Moreover its discovery enhances of almost an order of magnitude the estimate of the merger rate of double neutron stars systems, opening new possibilities for the current generation of gravitational wave detectors. In this contribution we summarise the present results and look at the prospects of future observations.

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Posts: 131433
PSR J0737-3039B

Title: PSR J0737-3039B: A probe of radio pulsar emission heights
Authors: B. B. P. Perera, D. Lomiashvili, K. N. Gourgouliatos, M. A. McLaughlin, M. Lyutikov

In the double pulsar system PSR J0737-3039A/B the strong wind produced by pulsar A distorts the magnetosphere of pulsar B. The influence of these distortions on the orbital-dependent emission properties of pulsar B can be used to determine the location of the coherent radio emission generation region in the pulsar magnetosphere. Using a model of the wind-distorted magnetosphere of pulsar B and the well defined geometrical parameters of the system, we determine the minimum emission height to be ~ 20 neutron star radii in the two bright orbital longitude regions. We can determine the maximum emission height by accounting for the amount of deflection of the polar field line with respect to the magnetic axis using the analytical magnetic reconnection model of Dungey and the semi-empirical numerical model of Tsyganenko. Both of these models estimate the maximum emission height to be ~ 2500 neutron star radii. The minimum and maximum emission heights we calculate are consistent with those estimated for normal isolated pulsars.

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Posts: 131433
PSR J0737-3039A/B

Title: Implications of a VLBI Distance to the Double Pulsar J0737-3039A/B
Authors: A. T. Deller, M. Bailes, S. J. Tingay

The double pulsar J0737-3039A/B is a unique system with which to test gravitational theories in the strong-field regime. However, the accuracy of such tests will be limited by knowledge of the distance and relative motion of the system. Here we present very long baseline interferometry observations which reveal that the distance to PSR J0737-3039A/B is 1150+220-160 pc, more than double previous estimates, and confirm its low transverse velocity (~9 km/s). Combined with a decade of pulsar timing, these results will allow tests of gravitational radiation emission theories at the 0.01% level, putting stringent constraints on theories which predict dipolar gravitational radiation. They also allow insight into the system's formation and the source of its high-energy emission.

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Posts: 131433
RE: PSR J0737-3039A

8th January 2004
An international team of scientists from the Jodrell Bank Observatory in the UK and from Australia, Italy, India and the USA have announced in today's issue of the journal Science Express [ 8th January 2004 ] the first discovery of a double pulsar system.

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Posts: 131433
PSR J0737-3039B

Einstein has only one last big test to pass, and there is one place in the universe that is perfect for finding out whether he gets full marks for his theories.
Discovered six years ago by radio-astronomers using the radio telescope in Parkes, it is unique: the only spot in space where two pulsars are known to be roaring around each other at phenomenal speeds.

"It's a wonderful system for testing Einstein's theories of gravity" - Matthew Bailes, director of the Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing at Swinburne University in Melbourne.

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Posts: 131433
RE: PSR J0737-3039A

A new software package developed by an Australian PhD student has helped astronomers calculate the exact distance to a bizarre double pulsar.
As well as providing a major advance in the way scientists measure the positions of distant objects in space, it may also help astronomers put Einstein's general theory of relativity to the ultimate test.
The findings are published in today's issue of the journal Science.

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Posts: 131433

Taking advantage of a unique cosmic coincidence, astronomers have measured an effect predicted by Albert Einstein's theory of General Relativity in the extremely strong gravity of a pair of superdense neutron stars. The new data indicate that the famed physicist's 93-year-old theory has passed yet another test.

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Posts: 131433
PSR J0737-3039A/B

Observations of unique twin-pulsar star system show effects of general relativity
Researchers at McGill Universitys Department of Physics - along with colleagues from several countries - have confirmed a long-held prediction of Albert Einsteins theory of general relativity, via observations of a binary-pulsar star system. Their results will be published July 3 in the journal Science.
Pulsars are small, ultradense stellar objects left behind after massive stars die and explode as supernovae. They typically have a mass greater than that of our Sun, but compressed to the size of a city like Montreal. They spin at staggering speeds, generate huge gravity fields and emit powerful beams of radio waves along their magnetic poles. These illuminate Earth-based radio-telescopes like rotating lighthouse beacons as the pulsar spins. More than 1,700 pulsars have been discovered in our galaxy, but PSR J0737-3039A/B, discovered in 2003, is the only known double-pulsar system; that is, two pulsars locked into close orbit around one another. The two pulsars are so close to each other, in fact, that the entire binary could fit within our Sun. PSR J0737-3039A/B lies about 1,700 light years from Earth.

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Posts: 131433
RE: PSR J0737-3039A

Title: The double pulsar: evolutionary constraints from the system geometry
Authors: R. D. Ferdman, I. H. Stairs, M. Kramer, R. N. Manchester, A. G. Lyne, R. P. Breton, M. A. McLaughlin, A. Possenti, M. Burgay

The double pulsar system PSR J0737-3039A/B is a highly relativistic double neutron star (DNS) binary, with a 2.4-hour orbital period. The low mass of the second-formed NS, as well the low system eccentricity and proper motion, point to a different evolutionary scenario compared to other known DNS systems. We describe analysis of the pulse profile shape over 6 years of observations, and present the resulting constraints on the system geometry. We find the recycled pulsar in this system, PSR J0737-3039A, to have a low misalignment between its spin and orbital angular momentum axes, with a 68.3% upper limit of 6.1 degrees, assuming emission from both magnetic poles. This tight constraint lends credence to the idea that the supernova that formed the second pulsar was relatively symmetric, possibly involving electron-capture onto an O-Ne-Mg core.

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Posts: 131433

A rare cosmic phenomenon - a double pulsar - has enabled the Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity to be tested under extreme conditions, the British Association was told by Dr Michael Kramer of the Jodrell Bank Observatory.
The two exotic stars orbit each other at speeds of 621,000 mph, and each pulsar is about 7.5 miles across and emits radio beams as it rotates.

The 23-millisecond pulsar was first detected in April 2003 using the 64-m Parkes radio telescope in New South Wales, Australia. Subsequent observations were made both at Parkes and with the 76-m Lovell Telescope of the University of Manchester's Jodrell Bank Observatory in Cheshire.

General relativity describes gravity as a warping of space and time.
"General relativity is difficult to test in laboratories. Instead, one needs to involve large celestial bodies to compare its predictions in observations and experiments" - Dr Michael Kramer.

Whenever the rotating radio beam comes across Earth, radio astronomers have found that each is so regular that the precision of these "pulsar clocks" rival the best atomic clocks on Earth.

Orbiting each other in less than 150 minutes, these two clocks offer an ideal way to test Einstein. The pulsar "clocks" tick more slowly when gravity rises as they move closer together, as Einstein predicts.
The measurements match the predictions of general relativity, providing the "best agreement ever found", down to three decimal places.

The 23-millisecond pulsar PSR J0737-3039A and the companion, PSR J0737-3039B, rotates every 2.8 seconds and orbits PSR J0737-3039A in only 2.4 hours. Both stars in this remarkable binary system have masses greater than that of our Sun and have an orbital separation which is less than the size of the Sun.

the also astronomers say they have measured another very significant phenomenon - the stars' orbit is shrinking because of a loss of energy caused by the emission of gravity waves. The orbit is currently shrinking by 7 millimetres per day, and this decay will accelerate in the future. This means that the two superdense neutron stars will collide in 85 million years.

"The measured decay of the orbit is exactly what is predicted by GR, so this is another important victory for Einstein's theory" - Dr. Ingrid Stairs, assistant professor at the University of British Columbia.


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