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TOPIC: Spy satellites


Posts: 131433
RE: Spy satellites

 NASA releases more spy telescope details

NASA has released more information about the two space telescopes, held in storage, that it announced last week it had received from the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO).
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Posts: 131433

About those telescopes...

If NASA knew all along that backup space telescopes were available, why haven't they been put to use before now - in 1993, for instance, when the flawed mirror threatened the entire Hubble program with failure? And if NASA didn't know about the other Hubbles, is there a lack of communication or an excess of secrecy that could reduce the payoff and increase the expense of big scientific projects?
Hubble, as configured for NASA, might not be an effective tool for gathering images of potential military interest on Earth. But it's telling that decades ago, the NRO concluded that it had capabilities superior to those offered by a Hubble-class telescope, even after being modified for use as a spy satellite. It's also telling that the NRO was able to order two Hubbles and store them in a warehouse, without so much as a raised eyebrow from congressional budget hawks. It makes one wonder that the agency is capable of now, and what it costs.




Posts: 131433

US satellite spy agency donates telescopes to NASA

NASA has received a gift from an unexpected source -- the nation's satellite spy agency.
The space agency confirmed Monday that it has received a pair of giant identical telescopes from the National Reconnaissance Office, which oversees the country's constellation of spy satellites.

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Posts: 131433

Spy satellites to fly in packs
How can you keep a single subsystem failure from turning a billion-dollar spy satellite into orbiting space junk? Break it into a cluster of modules, each of which can easily be replaced, suggests the US Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

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Posts: 131433

US Homeland secretary to kill spy satellites
A government official says Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano plans to kill a controversial program begun by the former Bush administration to use U.S. spy satellites for domestic security.

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Posts: 131433

Latest spy satellite plan has few details, many skeptics
The Obama administration has not provided sufficient detail to justify its ambitious plan to buy and launch spy satellites, raising concerns that billions of taxpayer dollars could be put at risk with no guarantee of success, according to lawmakers, sources and government reports.
Some critics say more than $10 billion could be put at unnecessary risk over the next decade when smaller, less expensive satellites, unmanned drones and other aerial assets could be just as effective, if not more so.

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Posts: 131433

The Obama administration on Tuesday approved the purchase of pricey new spy satellites and will buy more commercial imagery from the private sector to plug immediate gaps in satellite coverage.
The new program will take the place of a satellite program that was being built by The Boeing Co. The Pentagon cancelled that project in 2005 because it was grossly over budget and behind schedule.

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Posts: 131433

The national intelligence director and defence secretary are asking the Obama administration to approve a new top-secret U.S. spy satellite program that could cost more than $10 billion, according to government, military and industry officials.
The program calls for building two sophisticated satellites equal to or better than the huge, high-resolution secret satellites now in orbit. At the same time, the government would also commit to spend enough money on commercial satellite imagery sufficient to pay for the construction and launch of two new commercial satellites.

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Posts: 131433
Space Local Area Network

Some good space-based militaria has arrived on that reliable source of interesting intel, Wikileaks. An unclassified document (PDF) from the US Space and Missile Systems Centre ponders long and hard about how to create robust, affordable communications in Earth orbit. In particular, it worries about the increase in space debris, the (not unconnected) ability of the Chinese to blow stuff up, the difficulty of protecting things in space and the expense of trying to replace lost assets.
The answer? WiMAX, IP and lots of satellites in a SpLAN Space Local Area Network.




Posts: 131433
RE: Spy satellites

Spy satellites have a new role: as well as watching us they are now spying on each other.
The Pentagon admitted last week that it is using two covert inspection satellites developed for the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency to assess damage to a failed geostationary satellite - something no one suspected the US could do. If such satellites can get that close to a target, they could probably attack it.

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