Seismologists at the US Geological Survey in Menlo Park, California, have just revised their calculations regarding the magnitude of today's quake. They now say it was magnitude 9.0. Already one of the top 10 recorded earthquakes in history, the revision suggests the quake was even more powerful than first thought. Source
A strong magnitude 6.1 earthquake occurred at 19:02:58 (UTC) on Friday, March 11, 2011, off the East coast of Honshu, 153 km ESE of Morioka, Honshu, at a depth of 24.8 km.
A strong magnitude 6.2 earthquake occurred at 18:59:15 (UTC) on Friday, March 11, 2011, off the West coast of Honshu, 46 km NNE of Nagano, Honshu, at a depth of 1 km.
A moderate magnitude 5.9 earthquake occurred at 18:17:05 (UTC) on Friday, March 11, 2011, off the East coast of Honshu, 109 km East of Mito, Honshu, at a depth of 25.4 km.
Tsunami surge destroys settlement Buildings in on the north-east coast of Japan have been destroyed by the tsunami wave that followed a massive 8.9-magnitude earthquake. See more
Japan earthquake triggers nuclear shutdown Japan's prime minister has declared a "nuclear emergency" after a number of reactors shut down after a massive earthquake hit the country. Eleven reactors at four nuclear power stations automatically shut down, but officials said one reactor's cooling system failed to operate correctly. Read more
A powerful earthquake measuring magnitude 8.8 hit northern Japan on Friday afternoon, causing extensive damage in the area. The quake struck 20 kilometres deep off the Sanriku coast in Iwate Prefecture at 2:46 p.m. and lasted several minutes. Tsunami caused by the quake struck Kamaishi, Miyako and Yamadamachi in the prefecture, washing away houses. See more (Japanese)
The magnitude of today's Japan earthquake is a thousand times more powerful than the last month's quake in New Zealand, according to a Durham University Earth Scientist. The 8.9 magnitude earthquake which struck just west of Japan today is likely to be the largest to affect the region since historical records began. Read more