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Random matrix theory

In 2002, Oak Ridge physicist Paul Koehler and his colleagues used the neutron beam to measure 'neutron resonances' in each of four different isotopes of platinum. The resonances are particular energies at which the neutrons are especially likely to be absorbed by the platinum nuclei. The motion of protons and neutrons inside the platinum nuclei affects the pattern of resonances. And according to random matrix theory, a mathematical theory that for decades has been crucial for calculating the behaviour of large nuclei, those motions should be chaotic.
Yet, as Koehler and his colleagues report this month in Physical Review Letters (P. E. Koehler et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 072502; 2010), their analysis of the ORELA data found no sign that the nucleons in platinum were moving chaotically. By looking at the strength of the resonances, rather than just their spacing, the group rejects the applicability of random matrix theory with a 99.997% probability. Instead, the nucleons seem to move in a coordinated fashion.

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