Title: Craters and ring complexes of the North-East Sudanese country Authors: Amelia Carolina Sparavigna
We propose a survey of a rocky region in the north-east part of Sudan, using the satellite imagery from Google Maps. In particular we analyse the region which lies to the north of Nakasib Suture. Images reveal craters and ring complexes. To enhance their features, images are processed with a method based on fractional calculus. Two of these structures are proposed as possible impact craters.
Scientists using Google Maps have discovered a new crater-like structure in the Bayuda Desert of Sudan. If confirmed, it will be the second such discovery using the popular online mapping tool and could spawn a new generation of home-based amateur crater hunters. Read more
Title: Crater-like landform in Bayuda desert (a processing of satellite images) Authors: Amelia Carolina Sparavigna
The paper is proposing a survey of a region in Sudan, the Bayuda desert, using the satellite images as obtained from Google Maps. The images reveal the ring granitic structure of the region enclosed by a bend of river Nile. To enhance the features of the landform, images are processed with a method based on fractional calculus, able to increase the rendering of edges without deteriorating the overall quality of images. Besides the ringed structure of the region, a huge crater-like structure with a diameter of 10 km is evidenced.