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Post Info TOPIC: VdB-Hagen~4


Posts: 131433

Title: The edge of the young Galactic disc
Authors: Giovanni Carraro (ESO-Chile), Ruben A. Vazquez (Universidad de La Plata), Edgardo Costa (Universidad de Chile) . Gabriel Perren (Universidad de Rosario), Andre' Mointinho (Universidad de Lisboa)

In this work we report and discuss the detection of two distant diffuse stellar groups in the third Galactic quadrant. They are composed of young stars, with spectral types ranging from late O to late B, and lie at galactocentric distances between 15 and 20 kpc. These groups are located in the area of two catalogued open clusters (VdB-Hagen~04 and Ruprecht~30), projected towards the Vela-Puppis constellations, and within the core of the Canis Major over-density. Their reddening and distance has been estimated analysing their colour-colour and colour-magnitude diagrams, derived from deep UBV photometry. The existence of young star aggregates at such extreme distances from the Galactic centre challenges the commonly accepted scenario in which the Galactic disc has a sharp cut-off at about 14 kpc from the Galactic centre, and indicates that it extends to much greater distances (as also supported by recent detection of CO molecular complexes well beyond this distance). While the groups we find in the area of Ruprecht~30 are compatible with the Orion and Norma-Cygnus spiral arms, respectively, the distant group we identify in the region of VdB-Hagen~4 lies in the external regions of the Norma-Cygnus arm, at a galactocentric distance (~20 kpc) where no young stars had been detected so far in the optical.

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