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Posts: 131433
RE: Manitoba meteorites

Patrick Mah came to North Eastman last week trying to prove a theory put forward by geologists for many years. Although the proof still eludes him, the experience was a worthwhile one for area residents.
Mah is the 2008 researcher for the Prairie Meteorite Search, which scours the prairies each year looking for space rocks that may have been discovered by members of the public.

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Posts: 131433

 Patrick Mah's research rocks.
Actually, it's meteorites -- which several researchers believe may be found in great numbers in eastern Manitoba due to geological conditions occurring in and around the long-gone glacial Lake Agassiz.

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Posts: 131433
Saskatchewan impact site

Geology detectives in Saskatchewan might have made two important discoveries this summer.
And, as it usually happens for members of the multi-university partnership Prairie Meteorite Search, the finds have come from unexpected places.
When farmer Ken Wiggins heard that field researcher Nathan Seon was coming to talk about meteorites with locals near Wiggins' home base of Manor, he figured there wasn't any harm in having Seon examine an odd-shaped depression that had been on the farm as long as anyone could remember.




Posts: 131433
RE: Manitoba meteorites

A meteorite prospecting rush could hit southeastern Manitoba next summer after a third find by the same man within a relatively small area proved the Whiteshell region is a space rock hot spot.

"There may be hundreds or thousands to find there" - Alan Hildebrand, University of Calgary planet scientist .

Derek Erstelle had already found two meteorites near Lac du Bonnet in about 1998 and 2002, prompting speculation that the area might have an unusually high concentration of the multibillion-year-old rocks that fall from space.
Only eight meteorites have been identified in the province in the last century.
Erstelle said he found his third meteorite when walking through the bush this summer in the Whiteshell area to test the theory that a load of meteorites was dumped there when glaciers retreated at the end of the last ice age.
An experienced woodsman who spends up to a month at a time in the wilderness looking for gemstones and antlers to carve, Erstelle spotted unusual-looking gravel through his binoculars on the Whiteshell River in October.
When he checked it out, he discovered several pieces of a large rusting meteorite.
The five-kilogram find could be worth $5,000 to $50,000.
So far, Erstelle has donated a chunk of the exceptionally heavy rock to scientists. He wants to make rings for himself and a friend from the crystalline interior, but has not decided what to do with the rest.

His first find was sold to the Royal Ontario Museum.

West Hawk East Crater

Hildebrand said Erstelle would have been more likely to win the lottery than stumble on three meteorites by accident -- unless there's an unusual concentration in the Whiteshell.
No other Canadian has ever found more than one meteorite.
Meteorites that fall on glaciers are carried along to the ice sheet's edge as if on a conveyor belt.
In Antarctica, where that process is still happening, more than 10,000 have been found at the edge of ice sheets. Scientists have searched for similar deposits in North America, with no luck until now.
Hildebrand said southeastern Manitoba, northwestern Ontario and northern Minnesota are where two lobes of the Laurentide ice sheet met about 11,500 years ago.
If Erstelle's meteorites were carried by the glacier, they must have fallen from space more than 11,000 years ago. Tests are underway to prove that.
The meteor-rich area is potentially more than 100 kilometres from north to south and 50 kilometres wide.
Meteorites are fragments of asteroids that once orbited between Mars and Jupiter before crossing paths with the Earth.
Hildebrand said it's important to study them in case scientists discover that a dangerously large asteroid is on a collision course with Earth and scientists need to try to alter the path of the incoming projectile.
They also provide information about the space dust that can damage space ships.
In the future, humans may "mine" meteorites in space for their mineral content.
Erstelle credits his success to the wilderness skills he learned from his grandfather in a small Métis community at the south end of Lake Manitoba.

"St. Laurent is rich culturally and spiritually" - Alan Hildebrand.

The man who always collected pebbles as a child combs the ground with metal detectors and magnets and uses GPS equipment to map his finds. His three meteorites have high iron content, making them easier to detect.
Erstelle's first meteorite was found in Pinawa Dam Provincial Heritage Park. The next fragments were about 40 kilometres away near Bernic Lake in the Whiteshell Provincial Forest.
Meteorites typically have a burnt crust on the outside, are unusually heavy and may have depressions that look like fingerprints. They may be rusted and attract magnets.




Posts: 131433

Winnipeg-based rock hound Derek Erstelle has become the first person in Canada to discover two separate meteorites after he uncovered a previously-overlooked meteorite while sifting through some of the unusual rocks he has collected over the years.
After finding two fragments of an iron meteorite in the fall of 2002 near Bernic Lake, in eastern Manitoba, Erstelle decided to dig out a similar-looking specimen he discovered about 40-kilometres away near Pinawa in 1998 or 1999.
Tests conducted by University of Calgary planetary scientist Dr. Alan Hildebrand and Lakehead University`s Dr. Stephen Kissin confirmed that the Pinawa specimen is a rock from outer space and originated from a different source than the Bernic Lake specimens.

"I was inspired to look through my stored rocks for this other rock that I had found before the Bernic Lake specimens. I`m just out there knocking dust off the rocks when I`m out hunting" - Derek Erstelle.

The new meteorite identified by the Prairie Meteorite Search is posing a mystery about why so many meteorites have been found in eastern Manitoba, and has set a new Canadian record for the man behind the latest out-of-this-world find.

The Pinawa meteorite is the 7th meteorite to be recovered in Manitoba, and is the 4th Manitoba `find` to be identified by the Prairie Meteorite Search. Meteorites are broadly classified as being either `falls` corresponding to meteorites that were seen to fall to Earth, and `finds` which correspond to meteorites found serendipitously, but with unknown fall dates. The meteorite weighs approximately 2.5 kg and is the 65th meteorite to be recovered in Canada.

Dr. Alan Hildebrand

Hildebrand, holder of a Canada Research Chair in Planetary Sciences, calls the discovery very surprising. The extraordinary thing is that two different meteorites could be found only 40 kilometres apart in forested land, where it is much more difficult to find them than on farm or pasture land. Also, the two meteorites are more weathered than is typical for Canadian iron meteorites.

"The meteorite looked much like the two Bernic Lake meteorites so, although they were found about 40-kilometres apart, I still expected them to be related. We have the makings of a puzzle here" - Dr. Alan Hildebrand.

The discovery of more than one meteorite in the same area may be evidence that many meteorites were deposited in eastern Manitoba when glaciers retreated from Western Canada at the end of the last Ice Age.
"The area where Derek found these meteorites is where two lobes of the Laurentide ice sheet met about 11,500 years ago. He may have located a meteorite stranding surface where hundreds or thousands of meteorites were concentrated by glacial flow and were dumped in a small area when the ice melted" - Dr. Alan Hildebrand.

This theory can be tested by determining how long the Bernic Lake and Pinawa meteorites have been on Earth, and by searching for more meteorites in the region near Pinawa.

Tom Weedmark, a U of C geology student, is the Prairie Meteorite Searcher for the summer of 2005. This field campaign locates meteorites by encouraging prairie residents to have rocks identified that they suspect may be meteorites. The project consists of local publicity and visits by Tom to prairie towns to show meteorite specimens and to identify possible meteorites. He will be looking in northern Alberta for the rest of July before heading east to Saskatchewan and Manitoba during August.

"The continued success of the search indicates that many more prairie residents have meteorites that haven`t yet been studied. I hope that we can make this Centennial year a record year for meteorite recovery in Canada" - Tom Weedmark.

The Prairie Meteorite Search is led by Hildebrand, Dr. Peter Brown from the University of Western Ontario and Dr. Martin Beech from Campion College at the University of Regina. They are all members of the Meteorites and Impacts Advisory Committee (MIAC) to the Canadian Space Agency. MIAC is Canada's volunteer group charged with the investigation of fireballs and the recovery of meteorites. The Canadian Space Agency is funding much of the project`s field costs for the summer of 2005.


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